Food-and-beer pairing: Chocolate Espresso Truffles with stout

MANILA, Philippines — Are stouts your favorite type of beer? Stouts are typically dark and have a coffee-like character. They feature a roasted type of flavor, so they are like a cross between beer and coffee.
Desserts are a good food item to pair up with a pint of stout. Electrolux Philippines suggests chocolate espresso truffles to perfectly complement the roasted flavor of a stout. As you wind up your Oktoberfest celebration, your round of stouts would be nice with your homemade Chocolate Espresso Truffles.
Chocolate Espresso Truffles
340 grams bittersweet chocolate chips
3 grams instant espresso
177 ml. heavy cream
Unsweetened cocoa powder
Candy sprinkles
1. Pour the bittersweet chocolate chips into the upper pan of a double boiler. Make sure you have a couple of inches of water in the bottom pan. Heat the double boiler over medium high heat to melt the chocolate. Occasionally stir the chocolate with a whisk to help in melting the chocolate. Once the chocolate is completely melted, remove the upper pan from the double boiler and set it on your counter.
2. Mix the instant espresso with the heavy cream. Pour this mixture into the chocolate and whisk together until you have created a beautiful chocolate ganache. The cream and the chocolate will become smooth and uniform in color. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
3. When the ganache is firm, you are ready to roll the truffles. In a shallow bowl, add a couple of heaping teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. Powder your clean, dry hands with a little of the cocoa. Using a teaspoon, scoop up almost a teaspoonful of the ganache.
4. Begin rolling the chocolate into a ball. You may need to dip the truffle into additional cocoa to prevent the truffle from sticking to your hands. Place the truffle on a clean, flat surface. Repeat with the remaining ganache. Refrigerate for an hour or so before serving.
5. Just before serving, roll Chocolate Espresso Truffles in your candy sprinkles, if desired. Serve and enjoy!
*Good for 4 persons.
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