
Travel and Tourism

Jeju say adventure?

Rey Rivera - Pilipino Star Ngayon

MANILA, Philippines - In the cycle of life, sometimes you get caught in a boring spin: you wake up in the morning, go to work, do errands, jump into bed, and do the same things all over again. One day, my editor broke the cycle. Do I want to join the Jeju Island familiarization tour organized by Cathay Pacific and Korea Tourism Organization, she asked.

That’s the call of adventure right there. It knocks and you answer.

Flying Cathay Pacific with access to the Pacific Lounge at NAIA Terminal 3 is part of this trip. With the airline lounges at the HK International Airport, you truly can travel in style. So, my tour-mates and I sample the food and amenities at The Pier, The Cabin, The Wing and The Bridge. I find The Bridge the most relaxing. More noodles and siopao, please! And pass me that iPad.

We take a Dragonair flight from Hong Kong to Jeju. At first, I thought Dragonair was a budget airline. Boy, was I wrong! Dragonair is owned by Cathay Pacific and has the same high standards. The inflight dishes are designed to match the local flavors of each travel destination. On some flights, they serve western cuisine as well.

Don’t need a visa to go to Jeju

Jeju, which means “province across the sea,” is an autonomous province of South Korea. It is one of the New7Wonders of Nature, just like our very own Subterranean River in Puerto Princesa. Jeju is an island with diverse volcanic landforms and unique geological features such as the Jungmun Daepo pillar rock formation.

Strong winds blow all year in and around Jeju Island. We spot huge wind vanes scattered along the coastal shores of the island, harnessing wind power. Back in the days when Jejudo Island was a landscape of fishing villages, the local women were responsible for a large part of the family’s income. Haenyeo (female divers) often went diving to collect shellfish and edible seaweed.

Today, Jeju Island is becoming one of Asia’s must-see travel destinations — not only for nature lovers but also for the whole family. Kids will love the Hello Kitty Island, Teddy Bear Museum, as well as the new Jeju Aerospace Museum (JAM).

At JAM, visitors can travel back 13.7 billion years to learn more about the creation of the universe and discover interesting facts about our solar system, the galaxy and massive black holes. The museum also presents diverse hands-on activities such as touching actual meteorites, sitting in the cockpit of real aircrafts, and experiencing future space exploration through a cutting-edge multimedia experience. I enjoy the Polaris (5D theater) show even without an English translation. To infinity and beyond!





There are other interesting places that you can squeeze into your itinerary such as the Trick Eye 3D Museum, Ice Museum, Cheonjeyeon Waterfall, Mystery Road, Glass Castle, and Aqua Planet, among others.

Let’s get physical

Seongsan Sunrise Peak’s 500 steps uphill and Manjanggul Cave’s kilometer-long walk are not only for the young and fit, but also for the young-at-heart like yours truly. Reaching the summit of Sunrise Peak has its breathtaking reward: a fantastic view of the island. And of course, for some Filipino tourists, a destination is not complete without shopping.

Shopping, dear readers, can also zap your energy. It is quite tiring to hunt for those bazaar bargains.

One of the popular places is Jungang Underground Shopping Center located in Jungangro in downtown Jeju. Here you’ll find clothes, outdoor equipment, cosmetics, shoes and accessories, etc. You’ll also find yourself sweaty yet happy as you flex your shopping muscles.

Tara, let’s eat!

Saving the best for last, Jeju Tourism Organization (JTO) marketing business department deputy director Eric Seo and overseas marketing chief manager James Shin host a farewell dinner for us.

Aside from the familiar kim chi, bulgogi and samgyetang, there are other dishes you can sample in Jeju: grilled mackerel in sea salt, seaweed and sea urchin soup, as well as fresh grilled eel.

We learn that Jeju’s most famous dish can be prepared in a number of ways, but barbecuing black pork on the tabletop grill is the best way to get that Jeju gustatory high. The cooks even leave small hair on the pig’s skin, so diners will know they’re getting the real deal.

As for this Jeju adventure, I’m still pinching myself. Well, just to make sure this is real and I’m not just dreaming up this getaway to the island of stone, wind and black pork barbecue.

* * *

Visit www.Jejutour.go.kr for information about Jeju and www.cathaypacific.com/ph, www.dragonair.com/ph for a visa-free flight to Jeju Island.

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