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Why take vitamins? |

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Why take vitamins?

Why take vitamin and mineral supplements?

Supplements may help healthy people for a number of reasons. They can help prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies when the diet is not adequate to provide all necessary nutrients. They can also provide amounts of nutrients larger than the diet can provide. Larger amounts of some nutrients may help protect against future disease.

People may consume diets that are deficient in one or more nutrients for a variety of reasons. The typical Western diet often supplies less than adequate amounts of several essential vitamins and minerals. Recent nutrition surveys in the US have found that large numbers of people consume too little calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and possibly, copper and manganese.

Are there advantages to taking individual vitamin or mineral supplements instead of a multiple?

Nutritional requirements vary widely from one individual to another. A complete multiple vitamin-mineral supplement provides most of the vitamins and minerals in a most convenient form; but individual supplements can be tailored to personal needs. For example, a pregnant woman might need extra iron and folic acid, someone on a diuretic medication for hypertension might need additional magnesium, or the female athlete might need extra vitamin B2.

No single tablet or capsule provides all the nutrients in levels adequate to meet the RDA. The tablet would be the size of a golf ball. Either one or more nutrients is missing, or some nutrients are included in less than optimal amounts. If a single-dose multiple is used, you might want to supplement it with individual nutrients. Personalize the vitamin-mineral intake to meet your requirements as affected by medications, disease, stress, individual variation, or other factors.

Which vitamins are best – synthetic or natural?

The word "natural" is used on a vitamin or mineral supplement to indicate that the product is free from preservatives and additives. Research does suggest that the natural form of vitamin E might have greater biological activity than the synthetic form of the vitamin. The natural yeast forms of selenium and chromium might have greater activity and safety than the inorganic forms.

Are chelated minerals better than regular minerals?

The argument in favor of chelated minerals states that chelation improves the absorption and utilization of the mineral. The attached amino acid carries the mineral across the intestinal lining into the blood system.

More important to its absorption than chelation is the circumstance under which a supplement is taken. Most vitamins and minerals are better absorbed if taken with a meal.

What are buffered vitamins?

Some vitamins are acidic and might upset the body’s acid/base balance when taken in large amounts. A buffer can be added to the supplement to counteract this acidity. Ascorbate is a form of buffered vitamin C.

Do vitamins or minerals lose their potency when stored for long periods of time?

Vitamins can lose their potency over time or if not stored in a cool, dark area with the cap securely fastened. Most supplements include an expiry date on the label to protect against losses in vitamin potency. Minerals are the basic elements that comprise rocks. Even if the tablets disintegrate into a powder, their mineral content remains unchanged. If, however, minerals are combined with vitamins, the supplement must be treated as any vitamin supplement.

Do supplements increase appetite?

Some people claim that supplements of the vitamin B complex increase appetite. Although this might be caused by a direct effect of the vitamins on the lining of the stomach, no scientific evidence exists to show that supplements increase appetite.

Are chewable vitamins safe for children?

Some brands of chewable vitamins contain sugars that might cause tooth decay. Sweetened vitamins can seem like sweets, which can result in excess consumption of some potentially toxic nutrients. Read the label and maintain intake at an appropriate dose.

What is an antioxidant?

Antioxidants are substances produced by the body or drawn from the diet that neutralize destructive compounds that might cause premature aging, cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases. Examples of dietary antioxidants are selenium, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C.

What is a free radical?

Free radicals are highly reactive substances that result from cigarette smoke, air pollution, radiation or incomplete breakdown of fats and protein in the body. Peroxides and superoxides formed from oxygen are also free radicals. A free radical can attack fats in the body, rupture cell membranes and release harmful substances into the surrounding cells. Irreversible damage results and cell function is either altered or the cell dies. A strong antioxidant defense system might prevent damage from free radicals.

What is the vitamin C complex?

The term "vitamin C complex" is used by vitamin manufacturers to describe any supplement containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid), various other related compounds such as bioflavonoids and rose hips. No standardization exists for this term, so the type and amount of substances contained in a product will vary from one manufacturer to another.

What are bioflavonoids?

Though not a vitamin, bioflavonoids are a family of compounds that, in conjunction with vitamin C, might help strengthen capillary walls, reduce capillary breakage and leakage, and help prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Evidence suggests that bioflavonoids also prevent bruising and damage to artery walls from free radical attack. No deficiency symptoms of bioflavonoids have been reported in humans or animals.

Will vitmain C prevent and cure the common cold?

Vitamin C probably will not prevent the common cold, but it might minimize the symptoms associated with it. White blood cells, responsible for fighting infection, show increased activity when exposed to vitamin C in the laboratory. This shows that a reduction in the severity of cold symptoms might be caused by vitamin C. Evidence does support this theory and shows that vitamin C, taken before or at the earliest signs of a cold, might reduce both the severity and duration of infection.

Can I get enough vitamin D from the sun?

Vitamin D is manufactured in the presence of sunlight by specialized cells in the skin. If a person is exposed to ample sunlight, this vitamin is not needed in the diet. The manufacture of vitamin D is restricted, however, by anything that limits the amount of sunlight reaching the skin.

Why do people need vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects fats in the body and the diet from destruction and rancidity. Free radicals taken into the body react with fats and this reaction causes cell damage. Vitamin E can deactivate these free radicals and stop the damage. Vitamin E protects againt lung damage caused by air pollution, tissue damage from radiation exposure, tumor growth, the destruction of healthy tissue during chemotherapy, and the destruction of Vitamin A.

Vitamin E also assists cells, especially those of the heart and muscle, in the absorption and use of oxygen; improves neurological and visual problems in older persons; protects red blood cells from premature destruction; and prevents some forms of anaemia. Vitamin E might be important in the treatment or prevention of cystic fibrosis, chronic liver disease, intermittent claudication, elevated blood cholesterol levels, oxygen deprivation in premature infants, muscular dystrophy, and sickle cell anaemia.

What is the difference between D-alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols?

Vitamin E is a family of vitamins called the tocopherols, of which D-alpha tocopherol is the most biologically active form. The other naturally occurring tocopherols include beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherols. The synthetic forms of vitmain E, like DL-alpha tocopherol, are attempts to duplicate the natural forms of the vitamin. A preparation that contains mixed tocopherols includes all of the natural forms of vitamin E and more closely resembles the vitamin E found in foods. An excellent source of mixed tocopherols is wheat germ oil.

How much calcium should I take?

Evidence shows that a calcium intake that meets the RDA (500 mg.) may not be sufficient to halt the progress of osteoporosis and that intakes of 1,000 mg. or more are necessary.

Calcium intake becomes even more vital for women after menopause when bone degeneration increases as estrogen levels decline. A daily intake of 1,000 mg. to 1,500 mg., either from dietary sources or supplements, should reduce bone loss in women not on estrogen therapy. To ensure calcium absorption and use, adequate vitamin D is necessary from exposure to sunlight or ingestion of foods rich in vitamin D.

Should I take magnesium with my calcium supplement?

Calcium and magnesium are both essential minerals in bone formation and maintenance and in proper functioning of blood vessels and of nerves. Diets without any wholegrain cereals or green vegetables are often low in these two minerals and a deficiency of both is associated with high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, or heart disease. When the calcium intake is adequate but the intake of magnesium is low, blood calcium levels will drop and remain low until magnesium intake is increased

What is chromium?

Chromium is a trace mineral essential for the maintenance of normal blood sugar and heart and blood vessel function. A chromium deficiency resembles the symptoms of diabetes and these symptoms sometimes disappear with chromium supplementation. Chromium is linked to heart disease from evidence that a chromium deficiency raises blood levels of cholesterol. When chromium is added to the diet, levels of cholesterol decline.

What is GTF?

Chromium functions in our blood sugar regulation as part of a biologically active compound called Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). GTF is manufactured in the body from niacin, a few amino acids, and three atoms of chromium or it can be obtained from the diet. It is the best absorbed and utilized form of chromium. If brewer’s yeast is grown on chromium-rich soil, it is an excellent source of GTF chromium.

Who is at risk of iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency is a very common nutritional deficiency and its prevalence might range up to 50 percent in some segments of the population. It affects primarily women, pregnant women, infants, children, teenagers, athletes, the elderly, low-income groups and minorities. The average diet provides about 6 mg. of iron/1,000 calories. And average calorie intake of 1,400 to 1,600 will thus not even meet the RDA for men, let alone for women. Many experts agree that a typical modern Western diet cannot meet the daily iron requirements of at least 10 mg.

What is the best iron supplement?

Iron is found in two forms – ferric and ferrous. The ferrous form is better absorbed than the ferric form. Ferrous soleplate can be irritating to the stomach and intestines and can cause nausea, heartburn, and either diarrhea or constipation in some people. These side effects can be minimized by increasing the dose gradually over several days. Ferrous fumarate, succinate, and gluconate are absorbed well and are good sources of iron.

Why did my doctor recommend I take potassiumn tablets along with my blood pressure medications?

Some diuretic medications increase the excretion of potassium, and a deficiency can result unless a potassium supplement is taken. It is important to consult a doctor regarding prescription-strength potassium supplementation since not all diuretics deplete potassium and extra potassium, when it is not needed, might cause heart arrhythmias, kidney damage and other adverse side effects.

What is the difference between zinc gluconate and zinc sulphate?

Both of these forms of zinc are equally well-absorbed and used by the body. However, sulphate is more acidic and can be irritating to the stomach and the intestinal lining. If you experience nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, or distension, switch to zinc gluconate or take zinc sulphate with meals.

I am on a low sodium diet, should I avoid vitamins/minerals that contain sodium, such as sodium ascorbate?

The sodium from sodium ascorbate is quite like any other source of dietary sodium and will contribute to the total day’s intake. Approximately 1/10th of the tablet is sodium. This can total a substantial amount (1 gram) of sodium if a person takes a 10-gram dose. If sodium ascorbate is taken because it does not upset the stomach, try calcium ascorbate or the ascorbate with magnesium or potassium as a low-sodium alternative.

Why is zinc added to some calcium supplements?

Most of the factors that cause increased excretion of calcium, such as a high fiber diet, also increase zinc losses and it is thus possible that a diet low in one would be low in the other.

I am a senior citizen. Should I take supplements?

The elderly are one of the most nutritionally vulnerable groups. Nutritional deficiencies might be more common than was originally thought since the aging process can mask or overlap the recognized signs or symptoms of nutritional deficiencies.

Elderly people who do not take supplements can be low in vitamins A, E, C, B1, B22, B12, folic acid, selenium and chromium. These deficiencies are not as common when supplements are part of the diet. For some nutrients such as vitamin C, the RDA might not be adequate to maintain optimal nutritional status in healthy older people and as much as twice the RDA or even more might be required for satisfactory intake. If a person is taking medication, is ill, or is under some stress, a greater intake might be necessary.

I drink several soft drinks each day. Will this affect my health?

Both diet and regular soft drinks contain phosphates. A high phosphate intake can reduce calcium absorption, increase urinary excretion of calcium, and remove calcium from the bones. Over the years, this can contribute to osteoporosis and other degenerative bone diseases.

I am a cigarette smoker. Do I need to take vitamins?

Smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. The vitamins and minerals that might protect against the development and growth of lung cancer are selenium, vitamin E, vitamin A and beta-carotene and vitamin C. An adequate intake of vitamin A or carotene reduces the cancer risk even in people who smoke or chew tobacco. Smokers are two to three times more likely to show signs of vitamin C deficiency than non-smokers and a normal dietary intake might not be adequate to maintain the body stores of this vitamin in this population.,

What vitamins and minerals do I need if I am under stress?

Nutrition and stress are closely related. While stressful times might deplete certain vitamins and minerals from the body, poor nutrition can reduce a person’s ability to cope effectively with stress. Some nutrients, such as vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B6 and vitamin A, are important in the maintenance of a healthy immune system, the body’s defense against disease. Since stress affects the immune system, a person might need more of these nutrients. The body‘s stores of magnesium, the B vitamins, chromium and vitamin C also tend to be low during times of stress.

What nutrients might be lacking in a fast-food diet?

Fast foods, such as hamburgers, hotdogs, fried chicken, french fries and soft drinks, are high in calories, fat (especially saturated fat), sodium and sugar. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are low in these foods include fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, folacin, biotin, panthothenic acid, copper, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium. Other nutrient deficiencies associated with a high fat, low fiber diet include chromium, selenium, manganese and molybdenum.

Are there vitamins and minerals that help treat heart disease or elevated blood cholesterol?

The B vitamins are important in the production and use of fats in the body. Some B vitamins, such as niacin, lower blood cholesterol levels. A vitamin B6 deficiency can damage the artery wall and increase the risk of heart disease. Vitamin C plays a role in cholesterol synthesis and use, the maintenance of the artery lining, and in some cases, reduces total cholesterol and increases HDL-cholesterol. Vitamins A and E also might protect the artery walls from damage and alter blood chemistry to discourage atherosclerosis. In contrast, vitamin D in larger doses might encourage either the deposition of calcium into the arteries or platelet clumping. Either action would promote the development of atherosclerosis.

Is premenstrual syndrome (PMS) caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency?

Certain vitamins and minerals might reduce some of the symptoms of PMS. Vitamin B6 might lessen the severity of headaches, water retention, bloating, depression and also irritability associated with PMS. Vitamin E, vitamin A, magnesium and zinc also may reduce symptoms of breast tenderness, acne, dizziness, or cravings for sweets.

Is there a supplement that I can take to improve my eyesight?

A vitamin A deficiency can cause changes in the eye that can affect eyesight. One of the first symptoms of a vitamin A deficiency is difficulty in driving at night or seeing in dim light. If the vitamin A deficiency is not corrected, the disorder worsens and the eye becomes dry and distorted with further impairment in vision. Vitamin E also improves some visual defects. Chromium might play a role in the prevention of myopia and other eye disorders.

Which nutrients, if any, prevent premature aging?

Deficiencies of several vitamins and minerals are associated with premature aging. These include vitamin B6, copper, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin E and vitamin D. If heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, or arthritis were classified as symptoms of premature aging, this list of nutrients would lengthen.

* * *
Vitamin supplements and more are available at Healthy Options with stores located at the following: level 1 of Shangri-La Plaza Mall, Mandaluyong City; Rustan’s Supermarket, Makati City; level 2 of Festival Supermall, Filinvest, Alabang; ground level of Ayala Center, Cebu City; lower ground floor of SM City, North Edsa, Quezon City; level 2 of SM City Manila; Greenbelt, Ayala Center, Makati City; the newly-opened branch at level 2 of SM Megamall B, EDSA, Mandaluyong City; SM City Pampanga; and now at the newly opened SM City, Bicutan.

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