Viral missing dog returns home after days of searching; P100,000 reward declined

MANILA, Philippines — A Bichon Frise named TanTan has finally returned home to his owners after being missing for several days, which led to a search that went viral on social media.
Bam and Verah Abiera had left TanTan at Makati's The Golden Fur grooming salon and pet hotel last November 19 for an appointment, only to receive a call later that afternoon that TanTan had gone missing.
The couple also learned TanTan had been missing for around two hours by the time they were informed, a fact they noted in their call for searching, even offering a P50,000 reward for their dog's safe return.
Content creator We the Paw Sisters doubled the reward to P100,000 when the Bam and Verah's posts went viral, and it was We the Paw Sisters who publicly announced TanTan had been found.
"Just before midnight [of Thursday], the family received a message with TanTan's photo and agreed to meet," the content creator said in a post. "No rewards was asked, all they asked is anonimity and peace of mind. No questions, no judgment, no police, no whys and no buts."
TanTan, who has his own Instagram page, appeared grateful to be back home with Bam and Verah.
"Finally reunited with my pawrents! Really thankful everyone for your warm welcome and for checking on me! I'm so touched! I'm with my pawmily again because of your help and prayers! We owe it all to you!" TanTan's most recent post read.
The Golden Fur had previously announced it would close operations while the search for TanTan was ongoing, however the salon's statement received flak for the not admitting negligence.
According to Bam and Verah, all of the salon's staff went on lunch break without securing the salon's holding area — which had no operating security cameras — and only called two hours after finding TanTan's open cage.
Following TanTan's return, We the Paw Sisters re-shared more posts of pet owners searching for their missing dogs.
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