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Best countries to visit for vegans and vegetarians |

Food and Leisure

Best countries to visit for vegans and vegetarians

Kathleen A. Llemit -
Best countries to visit for vegans and vegetarians
Boats that sell fruits and vegetables are aplenty in one of Thailand's popular destinations.
Dean Moriarty via Pixabay

MANILA, Philippines — It's Veganuary, and it celebrates the followers of plant-based diet this whole month. 

Veganuary has become bigger and bigger and in 2022 there were over 620,000 people from all around the world taking part in the challenge.

Veganism and vegetarianism might slightly differ from each other but it has been attracting more and more people to the discipline and lifestyle. The former are strictly non-meat eaters while the latter has disciples that make room for eggs and dairy products. 

While it is relatively easier for many of them to get their nutritional needs at home, it might be a different scenario when they are traveling abroad. It can be a challenge especially when they visit places that are known to offer more meat-based dishes. 

Researchers at language learning platform Busuu have found the world's most vegan and vegetarian friendly countries to visit with destinations including India and Poland.

They found that these countries have adapted to this new lifestyle by promoting new vegan cuisines and offering a large selection of vegan restaurants.

A spokesperson for Busuu said: “One of the best ways to experience foreign culture is through food, and vegan and vegetarian travellers should not have to miss out on that because of their dietary requirements.

“In vegan-forward countries people following a meat free lifestyle don’t have to worry about finding places that accommodate their diet, as there is an abundance of restaurants and markets that offer plant-based authentic food to feast on.

“The list of vegan meccas includes formerly meat-loving countries that have adopted the new veganism trend, and also those whose traditional cuisine is already largely made up of plant-based dishes.”

Here are the top eight vegan and vegetarian friendly countries around the world according to Busuu:


It is found that approximately 30% of Indians follow a plant-based diet. Traveling around India is a delight as it is full of food markets and restaurants that offer diverse and richly-spiced authentic dishes.


Israel’s capital city Tel Aviv is also known as the "vegan capital of the world." The city’s culinary scene is littered with delicious vegan-friendly eateries where some of the best food in town can be sampled.


Taiwan is one of the two nearest vegan and vegetarian-friendly countries to the Philippines. It has the third-highest percentage of vegetarians per capita after Israel and India. In addition the government heavily promotes vegetarian lifestyle, so it’s not surprising that veggie-friendly food is easy to come by when visiting Taiwan.


German sausages, pretzels, beers and schnitzels are undoubtedly tourist draws, but veganism is growing in popularity in the country. Of late, Germany is becoming a leading producer of meat substitutes.


Its capital, Warsaw, is considered one of the most vegan-friendly cities in the world. There are more than 950 restaurants in Poland that cater to a vegan clientele and the capital city’s renowned veggie burgers are considered one of the best in the world.


This might come as a surprise but the Land Down Under has seen a fast development of vegan markets. A number of its popular fast food restaurants have adapted to veggie-friendly menus and tons of fully vegan restaurants have opened up in the past few years.


This is another surprise as the American diet has been largely perceived to be meat-centric and high in sweets with all their burgers, hot dogs, pizzas, BBQs, fried chickens and sodas. 

Researchers said plant-based diets in America are soaring in popularity with veganism having increased by 600% in the last three years.


It is a no-brainer to include Thailand in this list. The Thai diet is known for its fruits and vegetables smothered in spices. Thailand has huge local markets for fresh produce, plus over 1,500 vegan restaurants and cafes.

RELATED: Good and bad of plant-based eating

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