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Is there such a thing as soul mates? |


Is there such a thing as soul mates?

"It was love at first sight."

"I knew I was going to marry him even if I wasn’t attracted to him."

"All I had wanted was to be happily married."

Such phrases I have heard over and over again in the course of my readings and counseling sessions. Relationships have always been a major issue. This is, after all, what life and living is all about. In times of joy, excitement or pain and depression, we have always looked at relationships as a constant mystery. We seek the purest, highest union with the hope of a happy-ever-after ending with our perfect soul mate, like it were the Holy Grail. Many people are disappointed as they are faced with cathartic pain through rejection, abuse or abandonment.

On the other hand, there are special couples that seem to have achieved the secret of a perfect union. Inevitably, either through joy or pain, people begin to see a part of their inner beings being reflected back to them. Such couplings bring us face to face with life and love in all their power and mysteries. Each relationship, in its uniqueness, forges individuality to be formed. It allows the partners to explore themselves deeper through the other and introduces them, not to the dream of love but to the path of love that develops awareness and consciousness. When that relationship ends, it only means a lesson is finished or a continuing karmic connection must be worked out separately and not as a couple.

I believe that our souls call out to the perfect "Other" to help us out at different points of our life. There is a cliché that says some relationships are made in heaven (and we often end up making them a hell here on earth!). I believe that ALL marriages, all relationships are pacts made between souls through lifetimes. They know they must come together to work out karmic love and soul connections for mutual spiritual evolvement. Such a theory has evolved from the profound Eastern doctrine of Reincarnation, where it is believed that the soul has lived many lifetimes in various bodies. This process supports the spiritual law of karma which asserts that each person reaps the fruit of what he/she has planted. You inevitably get what you deserve.

How does one attempt to explain how one woman can be so loved, and another beaten black-and-blue by a philandering husband? An intriguing theory has been suggested in movies like Wuthering Heights, Serendipity or You’ve Got Mail. This is the concept of soul mates. How do we know that the person we just met who seems so familiar is really our soul mate? Soul mates are other souls that have agreed to connect once more for a purpose (this is the operative phrase). For others, it is to clear up karma or unfinished business. Or to accomplish a complimentary calling to achieve a goal together. Great attraction and energy bring soul mates together, sometimes for a lifetime. For others, there are temporary meetings for specific purposes. There is more than a physical attraction between kindred souls. They normally have the capacity to help each other at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The surprising news is that we each can meet up with a number of (and not just one!) soul mates in this lifetime.

On the other hand, karmic soul connections are easily recognizable because of the obvious pain present in the relationship. Spiritual growth is forced. This is often the tightest (meaning you can’t get out of it!) or has the strongest physical attraction since the soul knows that the relationship is the key to resolving an imbalance of a negative karma. A magnet-like energy may draw you to a man, despite all your better judgment, to balance off a harsh, painful, or violent karmic connection such as murder, violence or abandonment in a previous lifetime. A karmic soul connection is also identifiable when it pushes the woman (or man) to achieve self-mastery in the spiritual path because of the deep loneliness felt inside. The major lesson of people with karmic soul connections is to release difficult relationships, so they can move on. How does one do this? By resolving the problems and working them out, harnessing the higher powers, the Divine, within. It not only means breaking the karmic tie but transcending it. So it is not enough to just break up (while still carrying with you such deep negative emotions) but that you have to learn to love and to wish the other person well. This way, you experience real spiritual growth.

All relationships have a purpose. When you truly understand this, we will see each of the relationships that comes into our lives as being perfect for us. So whether you are soul mates or karmic connections, the key is to understand the specific lesson that you are learning, and just keep growing.

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