How love brings better sleep

I am currently in California on my bi-annual retreat. I have been doing this for the past 15 years and it continues to be a main strategy for my quality of life.
I would like to share some reflections from each day until I submit this article.
Day 1
We think we know what is best for our spiritual growth but often, this comes from our minds. My experience is that if we offer, just offer. Don’t ask for anything in return. Just trust. Let the divine guide your consciousness to where it should be It is much more productive. Just trust. Every time I do this, I don’t ask for anything. I feel my consciousness blooming in ways I would not have thought possible. It’s pretty amazing.
Love is the most powerful force for spiritual growth. It is the power and force of love that will see us through. We need to connect to its power — to address whatever negativity or weakness we have. Whenever you feel uncomfortable about anything, just trust in the power of love. The peace that happens is amazing. It even helps bring better sleep and improves the quality of dreams.
Day 2
Love is a force, it is a power. It can defeat evil because it comes from the Source — from the bigger part of ourselves. Greed and selfishness come from a contracted part of human consciousness, of course love will be victorious.
There are other worlds that exist aside from this one. One can go there through the muscle of the human spirit. The first thing to do is to calm the mind. Therein lies the objective of almost all existing meditation techniques. Stilling the mind so one can feel the divine!