The power of love

I had a deeply touching meditation this morning so I would like to share. Let me first explain the process. One stills the mind. This opens one up to higher realms of consciousness. If one adopts a “yin” attitude — a receiving — some very wonderful experiences could happen.
This is what I felt — the power of love. Not the romantic space usually associated with the word, but the flavor of the universe, the flavor of life. Beyond the chaos, the complicatedness, there is a flavor of love that holds everything together. The challenge in life is to be able to feel that amid the challenges. This turns all situations in life into times of growth because in reality, behind every situation is an opportunity for growth and learning. The direction is not to get stuck in the details of the situation but to learn to feel the goodness that is there. This means going beyond the churning of the mind into stillness — then one sees, feels things differently.
But I felt more than that. I felt a tremendous giving from the divine — an infusion, an uplifting. The space actually felt quite fiery and with tears rolling down I felt divine compassion. I also felt love as armor, an impenetrable energy shield wherein negative forces bounce off. I felt love as a force, a force that can defeat all evil. It was a deeply moving morning meditation.
We are oh-so-blessed to be alive. Although it might not always feel that way — life is actually a blessing. It’s an opportunity to give, to be, to learn, to grow. We just need to be open, to adopt the right kind of attitude so that life can bestow its blessings on us and we can learn to feel love no matter what.
As I write this, I feel the country and its people and how primed we are to receive love. There is something about the Filipino psyche and temperament and our makeup that is primed to love — to give, to receive — that has a connection to the Divine, beyond religion or externalities. My perception is that it’s in our genetic make- up to feel the divine. It has something to do with our simplicity and our openness — our naivete. It is just the way we are.
That is what I feel when I go around and this covers all classes. I feel blessed and honored to be a Filipino.
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I would like to invite you all to a meditation workshop “Awakening the Clarity and Vision Within” on July 28 and 29 at Luna Gardens Rockwell. There is another one on Oct. 20 and 21.
For reservations, call or SMSt Frank Qjuilas 0917-6212159 or email
Also if you are interested in helping or have a technology you want to share, the top 16 of the Quest for
love will be making a pitch on July 19 to social investors in Dolphy Theatre at ABS-CBN. The cost of entrance is P1,000 inclusive of meals.
We had this search for change agents. There were 128 that applied.Out of that the top, 16 were chosen. They are attending a bootcamp to learn to refine their area development plans. On July 19 they will be making a pitch to social investors and members of the public who may want to help. The top eight will be chosen who will be the subjects of a reality TV show in G Diaries. It is important to know that this is a joint venture with government. Ten government departments have agreed to collaborate together in the paradigm of area development in the chosen areas.
There will be private sector infusion in the areas. If you are interested, please call or SMS 0917-8780032 or reserve at
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I can be reached at