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Mike Olivares: Frisky Flirt |

Young Star

Mike Olivares: Frisky Flirt

- From Young Star Magazine -
Mike's fun-loving character came out naturally in the up-beat and innovative commercials of Sprite and Globe. Adventurous, active, and amiable are the traits that make Mike a first choice for girls who enjoy for group dates, major munch-fests, and spontaneous conversation which are more often than not unpredictable and exciting.

With a perpetual grin on his face, Mike is your typical "happy-go-lucky" clown whose ultimate goal in a date is to make a girl very cozy and comfortable around him. Just as he was completely hilarious in his Sprite commercial, a date with Mike promises to be equally amusing and perhaps even more. Apparently, humor, on top of his good looks, is one of his most effective weapons in a date. It’s no wonder that the infamous dude everyone has referred to as the Salaminkero has become an ideal figure for girls whose dream date equate to characters like Chris Tucker meets Ben Stiller multiplied a hundred times.

Hang-ups and pretension are two big turnoffs for this laugh-it-off-and-live-life kind of guy. "I'm someone who never hesitates to show my true colors. I believe that what you see is what you get." Just as anyone would expect, of course, someone with the personality of a talk show host and the wit of a stand-up comedian would bare all about himself in a heartbeat. Mike is indeed one crazy trip that would make roller-coaster rides seem rather boring. So you adventure-seeking girls want to know where the ticket booth to this ride is, right? Well, try a nice set of pearly whites that would flash at the rate of about 350 times per minute and the energy of an atomic bomb and you'll probably survive and certainly enjoy a date with this dude.

Target Profile:

Hair: Long, straight and black

Eyes: Mestiza/Chinita

Nose: Not too sharp yet not to small

Mouth: Thin, red, and very soft

Bust: Firm

Skin: Fair

Built: Sexy yet not too anorexic looking

Legs: Smooth and flawless

Feet: Very feminine

Height: 5'4-5'7

Choice #1: Maike Evers

Choice #2: Michelle Branch

Choice #3: Cheska Garcia

What physical aspect do you get attracted to the most?

I easily get attracted to a girl who's got a perfect set of teeth.

What's your most memorable date?

I had this date at a restaurant called Tom Yang. We went on the eat-all-you-can deal so we filled our plates up thinking we could consume that much Chinese food. Unfortunately we couldn't. So, we hid our excess food inside the napkins! It was a hilarious date!

What are the tools of the dating trade?

I have three basic tools: looks, humor, and endless talking.

Do you still practice the age-old dating code of chivalry (pick-up, drop-off, open doors scenarios)?

I don’t think its necessary for as long as my date is at ease with me and feels that she is being taken care of.

When would you feel the need to make things ‘official’?

When I feel that a girl likes me also and I know for a fact that I'd like to be seen with her by everyone without any hesitations.

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