5 iconic comic book weapons
The power of symbolism within the world of comic books is used for both practical and story-telling purposes. Symbols and icons stand for something, whether subconsciously or otherwise, and when used properly in a storyline, they can be a very powerful tool for invoking emotions and establishing historical context.
Items, logos and icons that symbolize one thing or another literally number in the thousands. There are, however, a few that stand out above the rest. So much so that even non-comic book readers know what they are and what they represent. And when it comes to symbolism, is there anything really more powerful than a weapon? In this post, I show you my top five picks for the most iconic comic book weapons of all time!
5. Green Lantern Power Ring
While not really as iconic as the rest of the items here on the list, the power ring represents multiple emotions, some more honorable than the others.
First appearing in 1940 around the finger of Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, the ring has since evolved a mythos that is both deep and rich, spanning multiple galaxies and millennia of fictional history. When you see a Green Lantern ring, you know what it is and what it can do. You know it’s the most powerful weapon in the galaxy and is wielded by the top cops of the cosmos – The Green Lantern Corps.

In recent years, different colored rings popped up, and each represent a certain emotion. Green is willpower (which I always thought was more of a trait than an emotion), yellow is fear, red is rage/anger, orange is greed/avarice, blue is hope, indigo is compassion and violet is love.
Even more recently, black and white power rings have been getting some use. They represent powerful concepts – black represents death and white stands for life.
4. The Batarang
Batman wouldn’t be the same without his batarangs. Every possible incarnation of Batman has wielded the batarang in one form or another. If you think about it, the batarang is Batman.

The first batarang (then spelled as baterang) was thrown in 1939. As the name implies, it originally was meant to be a boomerang-like weapon, only shaped like a bat. Since then, they’ve undergone multiple changes in both form and function. There have been exploding batarangs, shuriken batarangs, foldable batarangs, sonic batarangs, remote-controlled batarangs, CQC batarangs, and even batarangs on a rope.
Normally, batarangs are shaped like Batman’s logo; how much more iconic can a weapon get? More than that, though, batarangs represent Batman’s refusal to use firearms – the weapon that claimed his parents’ lives.
3. Mjolnir
Now, this weapon takes a step up above “iconic” and into “legendary.” The mythical hammer of Thor, Mjolnir, is third on our list for being one of the most revered and probably even feared weapon in the comic book world.
The Mjolnir of comic lore takes its cue, as does most of Marvel Thor’s mythology, from Norse mythology. Simply because of the supremely rich mythology of the Norse, Marvel’s Thor and Mjolnir enjoy real-world centuries worth of stories.

In 1962, Marvel came out with their version of Thor. In the comics, the history of Mjolnir isn’t so far from the actual Norse story – Loki commissioned its creation and sabotaged it, resulting in a handle too short to hold with two hands. Despite that shortcoming, the mystical hammer has become synonymous with power, honor, humility and worth. None but the worthy may even lift it from the ground.
2. Lasso of Truth
Wonder Woman didn’t start out as the picture of a powerful woman as she is known today. Times were different in 1941, I guess. Although through the years, Wonder Woman has become an icon of feminine strength. Today, she continues to grow out of old female stereotypes and her new costume reflects this, replacing the singlet with pants. However, her weapon has stayed the same all throughout – the Lasso of Truth.
Interestingly enough, William Moulton Marston, credited as the creator of the polygraph test, better known as the lie detector test, is creator of Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth.

Initially, the lasso can merely tell if a person is lying, but like most things in comics, it has evolved into an entirely different creature. Not only is it unbreakable through conventional means, but it can also hold super powerful characters in place. Even Superman will have a hard time getting out of it. In some stories, it can even make its victim to do the wielder’s bidding.
1. Captain America’s Shield
Originally used as propaganda machine for selling war bonds during World War II, Captain America faced Nazis, Adolf Hitler, the Japanese and almost everyone involved in World War II. Of course, they couldn’t make it reflect the actual war, so they threw in a bunch of sci-fi in there for the entertainment value. Today, he is a living embodiment of everything he stood for in the war – a symbol through and through.
Although his shield has undergone some major changes, it has always stayed with Captain America and stood for unwavering strength in protecting those who cannot fight for themselves. Sure, it’s a bit idealistic, but you can’t help but be in awe every single time Captain America wields his mighty shield.

In most poses, Captain America is shown with the shield held high, as if to display everything it represents. Sucks for his villains, though, because nothing sucks more than having a symbol hit you in the face really hard.