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48-hour Taipei |

Travel and Tourism

48-hour Taipei

- Keren Pascual -
Oh, Taipei. The last time I was in Taiwan’s capital – no, I’m not going to say when – the music of the moment was Everybody Loves Kung Fu Fighting! And I was with my mom! Needless to say, all my memories of Taiwan were stamped on a remembrance plate, along with the picture of my face and dear mother’s.

But so much has happened to Taiwan since then. Hello? F4?! For a few glorious seasons, our viewing masses (me included) revolved around Meteor Garden and the shining star from Taiwan that is Jerry Yan and, of course, the rest of the fabulous F4s.

So when I was invited by the Manila Economic and Cultural Office Philippine Representative Office in Taiwan to go with the Bayanihan Dancers when they went to Taipei, of course I said yes! And started daydreaming of all the things that I could do while I was there promoting our country as the No. 1 tourist destination in Asia with the beautiful beaches, fun-loving people... I even fancied calling up Jerry Yan, and maybe having a quiet conversation about his memories of the Philippines over coffee with him somewhere! (Sure…)

But whatever plans I had of a rendezvous with Jerry were soon tossed out the window as soon as we touched down in Taipei. I would only be in the city for 48 hours, with all its historical sites to see, the malls, museums and markets to go to, and the food to sample, not to mention the Taipei International Travel Fair – which was the reason we were in Taipei in the first place – I simply couldn’t fit Jerry into my schedule. Whatever!

The deputy resident representative of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taiwan, Romullo Manlapig, their protocol officer Irene Tan, attorney Joyette Fernando, and tourism representative Gerry Panga did a fabulous job coordinating the Philippine’s presentation at the Taipei International Travel Fair.

At the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition you really couldn’t miss the Philippine booth because the people were just buzzing like bees around the ever-present, but homey and all-Filipino nipa hut. But I can’t give all of the credit to the nipa hut, because the Philippines’ was the only booth which had live entertainment. The world-renowned Bayanihan Dancers, with their costumes and fabulous dances, just wowed the Taiwanese crowd. They even caught the eye of the Premier of Taiwan, Frank Hsieh. He stopped by the booth and was impressed when the Bayanihan Dancers finished their set with a rendition of the song Mei Hwa (the national flower of Taiwan). O ’di ba?

I also met Brian Chau and Hsiang Ma-Chen, two popular TV personalities and models in Taiwan, who were crowned Mr. and Ms. Philippines, a.k.a. celebrity Philippine tourism envoys to Taiwan. These two gorgeous people are going to promote the Philippines in Taiwan. Their job is to help promote the good image of the Philippines, and actively campaign for travel to the country among the the vast Taiwanese youth, young professionals and middle-aged office executives. I was so touched to see foreigners who not only like the Philippines but are proud to promote it, too! They just finished their photo shoots in Philippine destinations Davao and Subic. They’re even starring in a TV show set in the Philippines!

Of course, even with only 48 hours in Taipei, we made sure to grab a photo op in front of one of the most famous Taiwan historical sites – the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. Really, posing on the steps in Philippine costumes that are so not made for 16-degree Celsius weather is not something I’ll easily forget. Posing with me in the chilly weather were the hotshots of Philippine beach resorts: Boracay Regency Beach Resort president Henry Sy with his sales manager Isabel S. Garcia; Michael G. Villaluz of Philippine Straits Travel Agency Taiwan Division; Sunny Yeung of Happy Sun Travel and Tours; Eileen F. Tuanio, the senior sales manager of Pearl Farm Beach Resort; Patio Pacific Boracay’s sales and marketing manager Kathy P. Mercado; Dos Palmas Arreceffi Island Resort Palawan sales manager Rizza B. Sebastian; Waterfront Hotels and Casinos sales manager Joseph Tan and director of sales and marketing Joey Bernardo; and Bambi M. Samson, El Nido Resorts’ senior sales account manager.

I love Taipei, with its contrast of ancient and modern cultures. Existing in harmony with the historical buildings and monuments are electronics shops with their flashing neon signs, taxis that remind me of New York, all blending together to make up modern Taipei. Oh, and did I forget to say that there are malls everywhere in this wonderful city? And I thought we had a lot of malls back home.

Before I knew it, I had to hop on a plane back to the Philippines. I wish I could have stayed longer, but at least I got to leave with a few experiences that no one should miss if they go to Taipei – even if for just 48 hours. Now I know why it’s called "Enchanting Taiwan."

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