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The Bible: A useful book for life’s journeys |

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The Bible: A useful book for life’s journeys

- Teofilo R. Casimiro Jr. -


Teofilo R. Casimiro Jr., 42, serves as associate pastor at Victory in Jesus Christ Congregation. He has a BS Math degree from UP and finished his Diploma in Biblical Studies at the Cathedral of Praise Bible College. He currently sits on the board of two non-profit organizations. “My goal in life is to know Christ and to make Him known.”

You’ve probably heard the hypothetical question, “If you were marooned on an island and can take only one book with you, what would it be?” I don’t know about you but I gave the wrong answer myself. The most practical answer would be something like The Art of Boat-Building, since having such knowledge would ensure that you’d be able to escape from the island.

So if I were asked, “What is your favorite book?” my answer would be the book most useful to me in my earthly sojourn, one that will help me discover and live out my purpose for existence. It will be a book that is philosophical, spiritual and practical. And I can’t think of any other book that fits this description more than the Bible.

This much-revered book by Christians and even people of different faiths is a wonder in itself. It is a collection of books (the word Bible comes from the Greek word “biblos,” meaning “books”) written by 40 different authors over a period of 1,500 years. The fact that most of the writers did not know each other and yet their writings show amazing unity makes it a remarkable and divine book. Some may say that the Bible is a deeply theological and mysterious book or that it is just a collection of historical and mythical stories that have little bearing on our lives. Indeed, it is theological in that it teaches us a great deal about God, and it is mysterious and full of revelations that have either already been unveiled or are waiting to be unveiled but they can be understood by any person who, with humility and faith, will approach its pages.

It is a very practical book that deals with every aspect of our lives.  It is a book whose principles can be applied at any given time in a variety of circumstances. The Bible covers subjects that are of interest to us. Contrary to what others say, it does not only make one heavenly-minded but earthly good as well.  

How have I come to regard the Bible this way? I remember that in high school I was fond of reading books on wars (especially accounts of World War II ), mysteries  (Alfred Hitchcock’s stories) and discoveries (remember the In search of… series?), science fiction (Space 1999 and Star Wars), horror (Stephen King and others) and inspirational books (Og Mandino’s and biographies). The Bible didn’t top my list of favorite books back then. Being a religious person myself, I was not ignorant of its contents but they didn’t seem to have a special appeal to me. In fact, my group in high school even read it once in a while before we would write the prayers for the weekly student religious service.

It was not until I got involved in a small group that studied this book more deeply that I began to see it in a different light. I cannot fully explain what happened that fateful summer day in 1982 — but my mind and heart suddenly opened up to the Bible’s content. One verse clearly spoke to me, making me realize my sinfulness and my need to have a deeper relationship with the God whom I had wrongly professed to know. That was the start of my journey. From that time on, I have never failed to read its pages every day, not out of duty, but out of hunger to know more about its Author. I still like to read a variety of books — though my tastes have somewhat changed —  but there is no other book that captures my devotion as much the Bible.

The Bible provides me with answers to my deepest questions, such as “Who am I?” “Where have I come from?” “Where will I go?” and “How can I have fulfillment in life?” From the Bible I have learned that I’m not an accident or a product of chance and natural selection, but that I am God’s workmanship, created with value and purpose. This truth alone has helped me overcome feelings of inferiority and insecurity. It has made me understand the reason why I am not living to the fullest and for the purpose I was intended. It has helped me get back on the right path, though at times I still wander away temporarily.

The Bible gives me direction in my daily life and especially during crucial moments requiring life-changing decisions. It is a lamp at my feet and a light for my path. Its truths are a sure and reliable guide whenever my mind is confused or divided.

It strengthened me during the tough and difficult times. It saw me through academic failure, serious illness, relationship problems, moral weakness and painful moments. It has been my source of comfort, peace, stability, hope and faith. It is my shield against temptations, deceptions and other “enemies” in this fallen world. It is my friend, one that lovingly corrects me when I am in the wrong, assures me when I am in doubt and encourages me to go on when I am down and about to give up.

But most of all, it showed me the way to attain what I have been looking for all my life — a real and intimate relationship with my Creator. Someone once said that we all have a God-shaped vacuum in our hearts and our hearts cannot rest until that void is filled. Through the Bible, that vacuum in my heart has been filled, and it was filled by its central figure, our Lord Jesus Christ.

We all like happy endings. We relish and cherish stories that give us hope even if this hope lasts only a few hours and then we are again faced with the grim realities of life. The Bible doesn’t offer false or temporary hope, but a real and eternal one. The Bible started with a paradise lost and ends with regaining paradise. It does not discount the presence and power of evil but it highlights the eventual triumph of good over evil.

The Bible tells of the greatest love story ever told — the searching, redeeming love of God for His fallen creatures. It is for this reason that the Bible is my favorite book. It is God’s love letter to each of us. It is a book straight from the heart of our loving Father, from whom we came and to whom we all must return. The psalmist David rightly said about the Bible, “They  are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.” (Psalm 19:10,11).

If we come to the Bible with open and humble hearts, we will discover its riches and taste of its sweetness in our soul. Such has been my experience and it can also be yours.

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