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- An Autobiography by Mary H. Prieto -
Chapter 3: My Life as a Movie Star

After a couple of weeks, my mom, my half-brother Jessie and I moved to Manila. My aunt had already chosen a house for us to live. After we settled in, we had to go to the studio for my screen tests to see if I could act, sing or what. All the tests came out fine except for my speech. My Tagalog was a disaster. So the studio engaged a certain Atang de la Rama to be my speech coach for the movies. However, most of my films were about a girl who had lived in the States, so it was really not a problem.

Me, I was absolutely thrilled about everything, including my getting a screen name – Yolanda Marquez. My first film was called Milagro Ng Nazareno. I was the lead actress and the male lead was Angel Esmeralda. He was a handsome gentleman who spoke good English, and we got along fine. I particularly liked the sessions with the costureras who were making my clothes. I was also busy memorizing my lines. When I came on the set, I was like a parrot. Ms. De la Rama taught me the intonation and inflections of the words and sentences.

Everything was coming along fine until the day we were to film the love scene between Angel and myself. Prior to shooting the love scene, we were shooting a scene where the actors were dancing in a ballroom. All the extras were dressed beautifully in tuxedos and ternos. The scene showed us wandering outdoors and walking under a rose-covered trellis. I was wearing a pink terno, my hair was up and Angel was in a chaquetilla. He was telling me how much he loved me and then broke into the song Ikaw. Ikaw was the first modern kundiman composed by Miguel Velarde Jr. Until now when I hear it sung or played, it brings back so many memories. Anyway, at the end of the song Angel turns and embraces me, and the director is giving instructions for the camera to roll. He kept on repeating "roll" while we held the embrace and all of a sudden a voice yelled "Basta!" meaning to say enough already. It was wonder everyone was scared to death of my mom.
First Filipino Actress To Wear Shorts & Slacks
Ang Milagro ng Nazareno was meant to be a low-budget film, for the company had no idea how the public would accept me. Well, it turned out to be a tremendous hit. I was an overnight sensation. I was the first Filipino actress to wear shorts, slacks, etc. The public was probably tired of all the tearjerkers they were showing. Anyway, I enjoyed the popularity, the autograph signing, the personal appearances. Fans would be waiting for me to come home from the studio in the afternoons. Among them was young Elvira Manahan who studied at the Holy Ghost College which was near my home.

I continued making films. Other actresses at that time were Lucita Goyena, Rosario Moreno, Paraluman, Corazon Noble, Mila del Sol, etc. We seldom met. First of all there was the communication gap and they had other interests. The male stars treated me like a kid, probably because Mama was always around.

When we made Sanggumay, my leading man was again Angel Esmeralda. The second leads were Rogelio dela Rosa and Purita Santamaria. Rogelio was a handsome man, fair and very tall. I had a crush on him, and, of course, my mother noticed it and watched me like a hawk. She need not have worried for Rogelio didn’t give me the time of day, except to tease me like a child.
How Stars Are Made...Or Unmade
One day, one of the owners of Parlatone was at the studio. When I finished shooting he approached me and said that he was giving a dinner that night and that I was invited and in the same breath he said that I should come alone. I answered him that my mother accompanied me everywhere, and if she was not invited I was not going to the dinner. That year there was a big production called Pugad ng Aguila and I was slated to become the lead. After I turned down the invitation, the film was given to another actress. I guess that was the way stars are made or unmade.

While at Parlatone the son of another owner of the studio was courting me. His name was Johnny Carriedo. He was a very nice fellow, very respectful to my mom. We were on for almost six months, then we broke up. Just as well for we were always quarreling anyway.

I did not renew my contract with Parlatone and instead signed up with Philippine Films. Amado Araneta was one of the owners. He had a friend who had just come from Hollywood and was eager to direct a film called Magdalena. He wanted me as the female lead and Leopoldo Salcedo as the leading man.

One day, we were shooting on location in a field of cogon grass. The scene called for me to run across the field and to fall down. Now how many ways can one fall down? Well, producer Nick Osmeña had me do it 10 times. I was wearing a camisa and saya and my chest was all scratched up. Finally on the 10th take I picked up my things, got into the car with my mother and left the set. The next day I was called to the studio and told in no uncertain terms that if that ever happened again I would be fired! We finally finished the picture, and thankfully I was not made to repeat a scene that many times again. Mr. Osmeña and I met again after the Japanese Occupation and became good friends.

Another film I made for Philippine Films was Dahong Lagas with a newcomer whose name was Ely Ramos. Ely was very suave and sophisticated and very much married. I met his wife later on. Her name was Julie Carpenter, a very nice person.

I was the lead in a couple of more forgettable films, then I joined Sampaguita Pictures. There was a big musical going to be in production soon and they wanted me to be in the second lead. Elsa Oria had a beautiful voice and she was the lead in Madaling Araw. My partner was another new face on the screen named Ernesto La Guardia. He was very good looking but a bit awkward.
A Proposal For Marriage...In A Hospital
Meanwhile, I had met Gregorio "Goyito" Vera, who was the son of Judge Vera and an owner of Sampaguita Studios. We got along very well. He was young with a good sense of humor and danced beautifully. Before I knew it, he was courting me. He was at all the Sampaguita activities where I had to be. He was also always at my house, bringing flowers, candies, etc. My mother became fond of him as he was also very gracious to her.

After a time the Sampaguita group had to go to Cebu for personal appearances and to join some festivities there. We went by boat, and, of course, Goyito came along. While on board I noticed that at times he was not feeling well, but he always denied it.

After we came back from the trip I saw him again a few times, then I did not hear from him, which I found strange as he always managed to stay in touch with me. One night at about midnight there was an urgent knocking on the door. When we opened it, there was his sister Nene urging me to come to the hospital because Goyito was very ill. When we got into the car, I could see that they had also gotten the arm of the Black Nazarene at Quiapo. My heart was beating very fast especially when Nene told me that Goyito wanted to marry me at the hospital. I had been very fond of Goyito but I had never thought of marriage, I was only 18. We finally arrived at the San Lazaro Hospital and went directly to his room. His mother and father and a priest were there. I went to Goyito’s bedside, he turned to look at me and then he passed away. It was the saddest moment of my life. His parents and sister were completely distraught, as he was the only son and brother. Mother and I went home. It took me a while to get over the loss. He had given me a ring and a pin which I gave to Doña Loling, his mother.
A Basketball Star Named Leo Prieto
Madaling Araw was a big hit. Sometime after that I felt it was time for a break. During that break, I went with my friends dating, dancing and enjoying life. One day a friend invited me to the NCAA games, together with my friend Luz Guevara. My best friends at that time were Luz, Pacita, her sister and Ida Caro. The three are still alive today. I don’t see them as much as I want to, and our lives have taken different roads. The game we were going to watch with Pepe Esteva was the championship game between Ateneo and La Salle. The rivalry between the two schools was just as intense then as it is today. So we were pretty excited. I don’t remember which teams played the first game, but we didn’t care because we were there for La Salle. Finally, after much fanfare, the teams came out and the players took their places.

The game started and a certain player caught my attention. I turned to Pepe and asked who that player was, he answered, "Who, him? His name is Leo Prieto. Do you want to meet him?" Of course I said, "Yes." I watched him a couple of minutes longer and then turned to Luz and said, "Luz, see that guy? I’m going to marry him."

Of course I was only joking, not knowing how prophetic my statement would be. La Salle won the championship, and bedlam broke out. There were parades at the boulevards, tooting of horns, fights broke out, you name it. That night there was a bonfire at the La Salle grounds to which Pepe again invited us. We were standing around watching the fire, eating snacks, then Pepe said, "Wait here, I’m going to look for Leo Prieto." They came over a few minutes later. My gosh, he was as handsome as I thought he was. He stood around and asked us if we enjoyed the game and then he excused himself. Then I didn’t see him the rest of the evening.
Saving The First Dance
The next day I thought, well, I guess I didn’t make an impression on him, and frankly I was quite disappointed.

Then on the second day, he called me up and invited me to his prom. I was quite thrilled and wondered what dancing with him would be like. I put on a very pretty evening dress and made myself ready for an exciting evening. At the prom he introduced me to his friends, got some drinks for us, and then the dancing started. He was not there and some other guys asked me to dance, I declined and said, "My first dance is for Leo." I kept on waiting for him to show up, finally one of the fellows said, "But Leo doesn’t dance." So I danced with his friends. He finally came over and asked if I was enjoying myself, I answered yes and asked him how come he didn’t dance, he answered, "I never learned." Well, I thought, you can’t have everything, I guess.

And that was the beginning of our relationship. It wasn’t a perfect one but we enjoyed each other’s company – going to the games, movies, going to Baguio, to Antipolo during the season of May, I would stay at my friend’s house, the Caros and Leo would come around on a motorbike with Oscar Moreno visiting, among other friends of the girls. We were young and enjoying life to the full.

Our relationship went on pretty smoothly until I realized that Leo had quite a temper. Not that he showed it, he would just quietly seethe. I, on the other hand, was quite vocal and spoiled. But after the arguments, we always made up. Until one day we had a quarrel (I don’t even remember what it was about) and called it quits. We didn’t see each other for a year. One day we saw each other from afar, the next day he called me and we were on again. I guess some things are just meant to be.

Next Week: Life, Love, Laughter & Horror In The Time Of War
* * *
No part of this autobiography may be used in any form without permission from Mary Prieto.

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