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Iya Guingona: Pretty in Pink |

Young Star

Iya Guingona: Pretty in Pink

- From Young Star Magazine -
Only in fairy tales did the term damsel in distress get coined. But ever since Cinderella patented those glass Manolos and midnight curfews, the rescue-me type of girl became extinct. Or, in Iya’s thoughts, it was the knights who became dodo-birds. "Guys now are so predictable that we’re running out of men who could sweep us off our feet." Let this be an open manifesto then, for those who are concerned, Iya is in search of the perfect Lancelot in all his polished armor glory, and she is very much ready for a ride on his white horse.

And although she’s already a practicing senior in Interdisciplinary Studies at the Ateneo, majoring in both Communications and Science and an upcoming bag designer for Kashieca, she still spares time to date….putting a little effort into is as her a certain reputation seems to scare guys off. "People think that I’m snobbish and unapproachable, but after they spend time talking to me, they’d find out that I’m very much open to fun. I tend to be makulit and kalog."

Don’t get her wrong…she definitely is NOT desperate to hook up with just anyone. Iya still has her Boy Scout checklist in mind. "I want a guy who’s very out-going, compassionate, and makes a good listener. I don’t want him arrogant and self-satisfying. If that’s what he wants, then he could just go on and date himself." So, just for the record, even though the white horse is now replaced with white low-riding Civics heavy on nitrous-oxide, and the shining armor is replaced by flashy Armani crewnecks, the King Arthurs are still very much in demand. And hey, you are fortunate that there isn’t a dragon to fight anymore just to win pretty Iya, all you have to down are your egos.

Date Profile:

Hair: Brown, Textured but Clean, Wavy

Eyes: Brown, Mysterious and Smiling

Nose: Perfect—not too sharp, not too small

Lips: Thin Lips, Warm Smile

Body Type: Normal—not too thin, not too buffed, definitely not fat

Skin: Fair

Height: Any guy taller than her

Legs: Not big, not too muscular

Feet: Clean, Well-groomed, Free from fungi

Choice#1: Ben Affleck

Choice#2: Rafael Rosell

Choice#3: Piolo Pascual

What physical aspect do you abhor?

Ugly fingers and toes to match ugly teeth.

What’s your date nightmare?

Someone who is arrogant enough to spend the whole date talking about himself.

How do you make a fire exit to a dull date?

Homework…my dogs miss me…my mom’s calling…go pick one! (Laughs).

Are gentlemanly rituals necessary and appreciated?

Definitely appreciated. There are still a few good men who take that path less traveled. They need all the appreciation and congratulations for that.

What makes a guy worth introducing to the ‘rents?

If he’s respectful, God-fearing, stable…normal things parents look for! Also, when the TRUST is already present. Only then will I be sure of him.

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