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Girls going solo |


Girls going solo

- Nuffnang blogger Justwandering -

“You’re alone? Where’s your boyfriend,” questions usually asked when they encounter a woman traveling alone. While a solo traveler may raise eyebrows and questions, it doesn’t hold a candle to when the said traveler is female.

It’s a changing world, and women are doing things (and excelling at it) that were once exclusive to the male population. Though it’s by no means a new idea, more and more women are now going off on their own and the Pinays are not far behind.

Four Pinay travelers share their insight on girls traveling solo:

Why do you travel solo?

Gael ( Traveling alone gives me freedom, the freedom of choice, to listen to none by own voice. I am free to be myself without a travel buddy influencing or hindering my growth or behavior. I can go wherever I want to, I can do whatever I want without being paranoid about what my travel buddy would think of me. It challenges me to struggle to survive and not depend on anyone but myself during misfortunes. It gives me more time to be one with nature, to appreciate the things and the people around me, which I often find to take for granted when I am traveling in a group or with someone (as I am most likely busy entertaining my travel buddies). In a society where we are brought up to follow and live according to what is deemed right and appropriate by our community, our individuality is most often taken for granted, and I really want to escape that. Traveling alone is my way of liberating myself from mass opinion and evading a cookie cutter lifestyle. It empowers me to express my own individuality and at the same time it gives me a chance to meet strangers who can change my life forever.

Chyng ( Solo travels give me the chance to discover more about myself, force myself to interact and immerse with the locals and co-travelers, appreciate the quiet-me-time, and remind me that my happiness must never be dependent with anyone but myself.

Monette ( I travel solo because I am, on some level, a deviant. A lot of people say that it cannot be done or it is difficult to do, especially if you are female. I just want to prove to myself, and to everyone else, that it isn't so. Traveling is my metaphor for a lot of difficult things to achieve. And to be able to do it gives me a comforting thought that if you put your mind into something, you may move mountains.

Do you think that being a girl is an advantage or a disadvantage when traveling solo?

Lakwatsera de Primera (  I think there are more disadvantages for solo female travelers as compared to their male counterparts, but not as much that it would totally stop me from pursuing a journey. Walking on dodgy streets and cities, hitchhiking, exploring remote towns and villages are just some of the things that are best avoided if you’re a lone female traveler, but I guess with a bit of research and a lot of common sense, everything can be overcome.

Gay ( It's actually a juggle between advantages and disadvantages. Case in a point: A lot of locals go out of their way to assist solo female travelers because they assume they are in dire need of help because for one, they are alone and two, they're female. Which can be insulting at times but the “too good to be true” kindness is almost always successful in making me swallow my pride. Especially if I'm treated to a free lift.

What advice can you give girls who are thinking (or are afraid) of traveling solo?

Gael: Life is too beautiful and too short to spend it safely in the four corners of your room. Get out, trust your instinct and keep the faith alive.

Chyng: It's ok to be afraid at first. That's normal. But don’t let your paranoia hinder you from doing something you've always wanted to experience. It may sound cliché, but you will really be just fine.

Monette: Jump! Traveling is a state you'll never want to get out of when you have immersed yourself in it. What you experience and learn out there is incomparable to what you can learn if you just stay put. The world is huge and crazy and dangerous; but it is, at the same time, kind. And I find myself kinder and more understanding than ever before.

Lakwatsera de Primera: Travelling solo is liberating and very rewarding. You should try it at least once in your life. But make sure to do your homework before embarking on a journey. Research about the place especially its local customs, traditions, rules and places that are unsafe. It would also help if you could contact some locals beforehand. They are mine for information and best-kept secrets not often found in guidebooks. With a bit of caution and lots of common sense, traveling solo is a whole lot of fun.

Gay: Prove that a woman can [travel solo]! Shove your guard down, and let yourself wander carefree. Shuffling to and fro your workplace/home could also pose a risk to your safety, why not the world?

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