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Dumaguete is top Asian destination of independent Chinese travelers in 2015 |

Travel and Tourism

Dumaguete is top Asian destination of independent Chinese travelers in 2015

MANILA, Philippines — A recent study by Agoda revealed that Dumaguete is the independent Chinese travelers’ preferred Asian destination last year.

According to the study, Chinese travelers increasingly prefer to strike out on their own and visit destinations well off the tour-group map whether it’s traveling deeper into tourist favorites like Japan and Thailand, or journeying to remote corners of the Philippines.

“It is wonderful that more Chinese travelers are planning their own trips and exploring so many new places in Asia,” says Andy Edwards, Global Director of Brand and Communications at Agoda. “We believe in empowering independent travelers by having the best deals on everything from beach bungalows to luxury hotels overseas, so we’re obviously thrilled to see this growing trend.”

Where, exactly, are the places more independent Chinese travelers have discovered in 2015? Here are the top 10 destinations —many of them surprising—that have seen the most significant increase in Agoda bookings in Asia between 2014 and 2015.

Dumaguete, Philippines:

Diving excursions, whale-watching cruises, and riveting cultural sites have put this up-and-coming seaside city squarely on the map of Chinese travelers. In fact, compared to 2014, Agoda has seen a staggering 805 percent more bookings for Dumaguete—that’s almost four times the increase for the next closest destination.

Yufu, Japan:

Rejuvenating hot springs are the main draw of laid-back Yufu, a handsome mountain town with a swish town center ideal for shopping, snacking, and strolling. Though still relatively off the beaten track for foreign visitors to Japan, the buzz is clearly growing among adventurous travelers, evidenced by a 239 percent year-over-year increase in bookings on Agoda.

Koh Lanta, Thailand:

Phuket and Koh Samui may still be Thailand’s most well-known islands, but a 219 percent jump in 2015 Agoda bookings for Koh Lanta proves that beach-seeking travelers are delving deeper into The Land of Smiles. Whether lazing on the beach or taking Andaman Sea day trips to spectacular island hideaways like Koh Phi, visitors find plenty reason to linger here.

Asahikawa, Japan:

The second largest city in Hokkaido, Asahikawa celebrates all things snowy in February during its annual Asahikawa Winter Festival, a Japanese-style winter wonderland comparable to the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. Beyond Asahikawa’s wintery festivities, its famous Asahiyama Zoo, where polar bears, wolves, leopards, and penguins are among the headlining inhabitants, is another big reason for a 204 percent increase in bookings on

Nagoya, Japan:

Culture vultures are flocking to Nagoya, one of the five largest cities in Japan and home to some of the country’s most compelling museums, including the Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Foodies, too, happily eat their way through the city’s distinct—and delicious—local cuisine, which includes such specialties as miso katsu (pork cutlets in red miso sauce) and hitsumabushi (whole grilled eel). Compared to 2014, independent Chinese travelers booked 187 percent more rooms in Nagoya in 2015.

Beppu, Japan:

Getting covered head to toe in mud is a good thing in Beppu, one of Japan’s premier hot springs resorts. One could easily spend a week hopping from one natural hot spring to another, taking steam baths here, mud baths there, and still sand baths at others. To complete the Beppu steaming experience, some restaurants even serve foods cooked by natural steam! The city heated up in 2015 with a 161-percent increase in bookings on 

Nha Trang, Vietnam:

The first stop for most visitors to fun-loving Nha Trang is its crescent-shaped, white-sand beach, where swimming in turquoise ocean waters and basking in postcard-perfect island views is the stuff from which perfect beach vacations are made. Po Nagar Cham Towers, popular with Chinese Buddhists, and Long Song Pagoda, noted for its massive seated Buddha, are two more lures for a destination that has seen 158 percent more bookings this year.

Nagano, Japan:

Its biggest international claim to fame is probably as host of the 1998 Winter Olympic Games, but Nagano didn’t draw 142 percent more bookings on this year based strictly on its Olympic history. Picturesque mountain temples like Togakushi Shrine belong at the top of every must-see list, right alongside the fantastic Togakure Ninpo Museum, a homage to the school of ninja where visitors can try their hand at throwing stars after exploring a series of excellent exhibitions.

Krabi, Thailand:

A convenient jump-off point for Koh Lanta, Railay Beach, and other Thai islands and beaches, Krabi saw a 142-percent increase in bookings in 2015. Though many visitors don’t spend more than a night or two here before going further afield, day trips to scenic national parks, visits to beguiling wats, and feasts at Maharaj Market—a veritable buffet of piquant curries due to the town’s large Thai-Muslim population—are among the rewards for those who stay a little longer.

Takayama, Japan:

Savvy travelers to Takayama, which received 142 percent more bookings in 2015, plan well in advance if they hope to find a room on during the annual Takayama Festival. Held every April and October in the northern and southern areas of the city’s serene old town, this captivating cultural event attracts thousands of domestic and international visitors for spectacles that include ornate floats and a Shinto procession.

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