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The Singer and the Waitress |


The Singer and the Waitress


MANILA, Philippines - Supreme got to know The Wedding Singer’s two endearing leads, Gian Magdangal and Iya Villania, and here’s what we found out:

Supreme: What is your ideal wedding song?

Iya: From the soundtrack, Grow Old With You; not from the soundtrack, Spend My Life With You by Tamia and Eric Bennet.

GianGrow Old With You, and The Last Time by Eric Bennet.

S:  How is this musical different from the other musicals you’ve done?

I: I feel a certain gigil now onstage unlike before. It may also be that through the years, I have matured as an artist.

G: They say it’s easy to cry or to get mad. But it’s more challenging to be happy all the time — which the character of Robbie calls for. And it’s my first time doing a comedy, and one of the few and lucky times I get to play lead.

S:  How is the musical similar to and different from the film?

I: In the movie, the last part was set on the plane where Robbie proposes on the PA system. In the musical, they take it all the way to Vegas, and Robbie follows after Julia and Glen. Other than that, it’s the same romantic comedy that’ll make you laugh and fall in love.

G: It’s similar because of the storyline and the feel-good flavor that Adam Sandler brought to the movie. It’s different because it’s a full-blown musical and with us playing it, we somehow added a Pinoy spin.

S:  How was the pressure like, taking on a role once played on the big screen by one of Hollywood’s most renowned comedians?

I: I’m not trying to portray Julia as Drew (Barrymore) did in the movie because Julia in the musical would have to be more magnified to suit the stage.

G: Nakaka-pressure din somehow. But I never allow myself to be dragged down by comparing myself to other actors. I always try to be original in my attack and in my understanding of a role.

S:  What was the most fun part of bringing this musical to life?

I: Being able to sing the songs that most people are familiar with, being able to look back at the ’80s through the dances, the costumes, the lingo… and the fact that it’s Wedding Singer (and) it’s a favorite of many. Who wouldn’t want to be part of something like that?

G: That I get to share it again with my friends — Iya, Nikki Valdez, Analin Bantug, Loy Martinez, and all the other actors I’ve worked with in the past.

S: How is the ’80s similar to today?

I: In terms of the fashion and the music. Midriffs, denim.

G: Music — the synthesizers are still rocking the airwaves. Fashion — shades. (Laughs).

S:  What do you love most about the ’80s?

I: The fashion and the songs, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston.

G: Michael Jackson, Phoebe Cates... The energy of the ’80s was different. They had more oomph. They were more daring and no holds barred.

S:  In the most ’80s way possible, how would you describe the musical?

I: Colorful.

G: 80s. ‘nuff said.

S:  Why should people see this musical?

I: Well, if you’re a fan of the movie, then you’ll definitely enjoy the stage version. And it’ll be a great way of experiencing the ’80s. You’ll be enjoying the same storyline plus great music and dancing – something that every Pinoy will enjoy.

G: This is the first time Wedding Singer (the musical comedy) is being shown in the Philippines. You won’t want to miss out on all the fun that we’ve been having and that we want to share (with) the audience.

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