What example do you want to set for those around you?
At one time or another, unintentionally we catch ourselves saying one thing and doing another thing. But in the end it’s what people see us do that will create their impression of us. This is why we must set the best example not only in wanting to feel good about ourselves but more importantly for others to follow. We may feel no one notices the good deeds we do but, what the heck, just do it because doing the right thing is still the right path to take. And even if no one ever notices whatever positive things we have done, count it as points to get to heaven because Someone up there is definitely watching us. So go ahead: walk the talk and do what’s right all the time!
Sari Yap, founder and CEO, One Mega Group Inc.
I try to live “positivity,” the thinking that nothing that happens is inherently good or bad. It’s how you respond that matters, and therefore, you can turn all circumstances into a good thing. Ever since I started thinking that way, the silver lining behind every “bad” experience is almost immediately apparent, and has made for lesser stress levels. So I always tell people, especially those I work with, about this “beauty” secret, in the hopes that it can help them, too.
Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon
The example I want to show to those around me is the balance between fulfilling my obligations as a public official and my responsibilities as head of my family. But it should also be known that between the two, I would give premium to shepherding my family. In the Bible, 1 Timothy 3:4-5, it says that before a leader can take charge of public office, he must first be a good leader of his family. I believe that everyone has that obligation to be good family leaders because we are all called to raise children to be upright and our families to be solid. Not all are given the privilege to lead in public but everyone is called to lead their families. Therefore, I would like to set an example of that to those around me.
Ria Carrion-Domingo, AVP, Product Loyalty Marketing,
Philippine Airlines
“Not the cry but the flight of the wild duck leads the flock to fly and to follow.” This Chinese proverb sums up the principle that I adhere to in dealing with and in influencing the people around me, be they my family, friends, or the people I work with. Yes, I believe that there is no better way to inspire them than to model the way. This means setting high standards for myself first before expecting these from them; and willingly demonstrating through my actions that I have complete confidence in the outcome of our endeavors.
Caloocan Rep. Mitch Cajayon
Good leadership by example. As a public official, it is but natural that my constituents, especially those who follow and support me, will unconsciously learn my ways. Having been given the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity, I am duty-bound to make a positive contribution and an impact on the lives of other people. Dr. Albert Schweitzer said it best: “Example is not the main thing in influencing others … it is the only thing.” That is why I want to set a fine example of leadership by “walking the talk” and avoiding double standards. I want to set for those around me an example of having a firm commitment to do the right thing, which is what good leadership is about.
Former Kawit Cavite Vice Mayor Emilio “Orange” Aguinaldo IV
Helping each other.
Koleen Davila Palaganas, marketing and communications director, Habitat for Humanity
I hope that my life sets an example that every person, no matter what background he or she comes from, could give their share in making a bit of heaven on earth; by being a generous soul and by being conscious that in every little bit we do, it also benefits others.
Former Governor Grace Padaca
The example of being still even in the most difficult of circumstances because I know that my God is God; the example of being brave even against the most vicious of opponents because what is right will always prevail anyway; and the example of not growing weary even in the midst of the worst of burnouts because the seeds have been planted. No good thing is ever left unrewarded.
Ino Manalo, director, National Archives
I really hope that through my example people will see that loving our country means taking care of the small things such as throwing trash in the proper receptacles and not in the streets or turning off the lights when leaving the room.