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What’s your favorite Bible passage? |

Sunday Lifestyle

What’s your favorite Bible passage?

WORDS WORTH - Mons Romulo -
We live in trying times. You need only turn your attention to the front page of the newspapers and count the number of negative news items against the positive ones and you will get what I mean.

It does not take much to see that many people feel desperate (although some are better at hiding their fear than others). Indeed, from the financial uncertainty to the lack of genuine friendships in an increasingly hypocritical society you will know that there are many things to be wary of in this modern age. People are looking for answers to their problems, and they don’t know where to start.

I speak from experience when I say that there is one source – one book – that I turn to whenever I’m in the doldrums. I’m talking about the Holy Bible. The Bible should not be used only to adorn our altars but it must become the cornerstone of our lives. How can anyone go wrong if they place their trust in the Lord’s word? His word is His gift to us, and it clearly shows us how we should face our problems, and live our lives. It is God’s helping hand, who are we to refuse it?

Rio Diaz Cojuangco, actress:
Jeremiah 29:11 – "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

We must never give up. I know beyond reasonable doubt that we have a God that cannot lie, and His promise is if I call upon Him, He will listen. I know I need Him every minute of my life, others may fail me, but my heavenly Father will always be there for me.

Emily Lopez, Former Guimaras governor:
My favorite bible verse is Proverbs chapter 31: 10 — 31 because it celebrates the modern, independent woman who is still mindful of her duties as mother and wife.

Bo Sanchez, author, founder Anawin/Shepherd’s Voice Publications:
My favorite Bible verse is John 4:19 – "We love because He first loved us."

This verse has become my life. Why? Because it tells me that the first step of my Christian life is not to work, or to do, or to strive. Or even to love – but to first be loved. I have to first permit Him, my God, to love me. I have to first of all be stunned, moved, embraced, gripped by His passionate love. I have to allow my God to conquer me with His desire for me. When my soul is overwhelmed, yes, overpowered by His zealous love, I cannot help but love the Divine Lover with my all.

Unless I enshrine this truth my spirituality, all my strivings will be a frantic effort to gain His pleasure and acceptance. But the fact is, even before I do anything good I’m already His chosen delight. Even before I was born, He had already written my name in the palm of His hand. By the mere fact that I exist, Jesus has already embraced me in His wounds. He has fought for me, and He has given everything just to have me.

Now, all my savings swell from a rush of my intense gratitude for His love.

Luchi Cruz-Valdes, vice president, ABS-CBN news and current affairs:
I have not one, not two, but a dozen favorite Bible verses, but my two all-time faves are: Jeremiah 29:11 – "For I know well the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you a future full of hope," and Romans 8:28 – "We know that all things work for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose."

Why do I like these verses? It’s because I’m a control freak and I get either very upset or disappointed when things don’t pan out as I had planned or when unexpected "life calamities" come my way. It’s in those times when I know I have to keep faith not in myself, but in God and in His promises, so succinctly and beautifully expressed in these verses. I have witnessed the worst things in my life being transformed into the most incredible miracles, and I know that it’s God’s way of reassuring me that everything is just the way He wants it to be.

Lila G. Almario, shoemaker:
Matthew 18:19-20. Jesus says, "And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or more come together in my name, I am there with them."

What could be simpler than His request for us to pray together and that if we do He promises to answer our prayers, too? Through prayer the shared attention brings us not only closer to Him, but to one another as well. That He is present whenever two or more come together to pray gives me the warmest, most wonderful and secure feeling.

Mia Borromeo, entrepreneur:
One of my favorite Bible passages is Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-11 which promises us security under God’s protection. "You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High who abide in the shadow of the Almighty say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust...’" "Because you have the Lord for your refuge; You have the Most High as your stronghold. No evil shall befall you, nor shall affliction come near your tent. For to His angels He has given command about you, that they guard you in all your ways."

We are assured that if we put our faith and trust in Him, He will never fail us. We are at peace knowing that we have God’s guidance and protection in all things at all times.

Joe Salazar, fashion designer:
Psalm 91:2-6 – "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God; in Him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be my shield and buckler. Thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day; nor of the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor of the destruction that wasteth at noonday."

It gives me the feeling of perfect security. Through my own experience I have witnessed that the Father is alive through Psalm 91.

Chari Bagatsing, homemaker:
Matthew 11:8 – "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest."

I love this the most because I feel Jesus is actually inviting us to come to Him. I feel His love and mercy with these words and when I do go to the Blessed Sacrament so full of anxiety and frustrations. I feel comfort and peace. It’s like He’s saying, "Don’t worry – I am in control."

Margie Juico, PCSO director, assistant to former President Cory Aquino:
1 Peter 3 1:2 –"Likewise, you wives should be subordinate to your husbands so that, even if some disobey the word, they may be won over without a word by their wives’ conduct when they observe your reverent and chaste behavior."

My husband and I belong to the "Ligaya ng Panginoon" community. And I strongly believe that in a family there should only be one head. I remember Bishop Soc saying in one of his homilies that every family should have one head because two heads will create a monster. This is what I also told my daughter when she was getting married. It is not in finding the right partner but in being the right one. I firmly believe that in every relationship it’s the woman who holds the string and when she lets go, it’s the end of it.

Bishop Soc Villegas:
My favorite Bible verse is John 12: 24 – "If it dies, it bears fruit." I became aware of my vocation because of my admiration for Bruce Lee. His last words that I remember were "The cup realizes itself by being empty." When I took the exams for the seminary in high school, I realized that Bruce Lee’s words were not original, for 2000 years ago, a man named Jesus already did what Bruce Lee was saying. I knew then that God was asking me to empty myself up. He was asking me to die. Not commit suicide, but to die for others.

Chat Silayan, actress:
There are many verses in the Bible I reflect on. I love Psalm 91 and Psalm 103. They’re about praising and blessing God, and His protection and that he will provide healing. When faced with my impatience and shortcomings, I reflect on Roman 8.

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