Seeing green
Hoseki continues to showcase its impeccable craftsmanship and unique artistry with the unveiling of every piece, as the recent exclusive launch of their jade-centered collection proved. Led by visionary founder Faico and his wife corporate affairs director Zabeth Co, the new pieces evoke the whimsy, otherworldliness and timelessness of this most loved stone. Held at the Owner’s Lounge in Raffles Makati, the guests at the launch enjoyed trying on the newest pieces so much, they ended up purchasing some for themselves. It was a fantastic celebration of a stone that is beloved and revered all over the world.
Dermatology with a purpose
Dr. Jean Marquez continues to transform lives through purposeful dermatology as her professional beauty clinic DARE (Dermatology, Aesthetics, Restoration) held Bubbles and Botox, a one day-event where valued clients personally got to experience the clinic’s latest offerings. After Dr. Jean’s welcoming remarks and the Q&A segment, the guests were able to learn all about the new procedures as well as personally consult with the DARE’s impressive array of doctors and experts. They were also specially treated to their very own gift certificates, entitling them to a discounted session for any of the anti-aging procedures.