Environment-friendly furniture for the home

A beautiful home is no longer just a fantasy. Tvilum-Scanbirk makes our dreams come true with their top-of-the- line furniture at extremely affordable prices. As
Your little rainforest in paradise
Where in Boracay can you find teeming plant life and nature lovers living in harmony? It is only at the verdant and the refreshing little rainforest of Sea Wind that one finds total quiet and genuine peace. The respect that its owners, Boy and Ruth Jarantilla, as well as GM Joebert Cocjin give to nature is so strong that they do not disturb the natural growth of flora—they built their dream resort around it. Imagine waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the gentle splatter of waterfalls. What a wonderful way to commune with Mother Nature. On your next visit to Boracay, check in at Sea Wind’s newest addition – the Kubo ni Apoy and Kubo ni Pauk — and find the solace and contentment that you fervently need.