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The Xerophytic garden |

Modern Living

The Xerophytic garden

- Kevin G. Belmonte -

(This week, I’m yielding my space to Anna Ruth Conde who gives us cool tips on how to grow a Xerophytic garden that thrives in our hot weather).

During these times, when clean water is getting scarce and expensive on all corners of our planet, having a garden is fast becoming a luxury.  That is why a new trend in gardens is quickly emerging as a solution to this problem: the Xerophytic garden. This style of garden hosts plants that thrive in hot, dry conditions.

A beautiful Xerophytic garden can host a variety of cacti and succulents which are low-maintenance and are fairly easy to grow as long as proper light is available and a protective cover is provided for the onslaught of the Philippine rains. 

The size of the garden is also very variable.  One can have a small dish garden for a condominium or along the eaves of one’s house.  Any available space will do for this type of garden, because of the great variability in size of the many cacti and succulents. 

To create a Xerophytic garden, proper elevation, drainage, and well-draining cactus soil mix are needed.  It is also important to choose the location of your garden with regard to the amount of sunlight it will receive.  One should also plan and choose the plants that will be used.  Some plants grow very fast and might take over the garden or grow over and kill the rarer slower-growing plants.  It is also important to provide enough space for the cacti to grow to their mature size.  Some cacti, like the Echinocactus grusonii — better known as The Golden Barrel — can grow to almost a meter in diameter, while some Gymnocalycium have a maximum width of only 15 cm. but may take years for them to reach full size. Those from the Cereus family are tall and lanky, while other genera are clustering or creeping.  There are also plants that can tolerate outdoor conditions during the wet season very well. These include Euphorbia millii, Euphorbia tortilis, Euphorbia hermetiana, Euphorbia lactea, many Agaves and Yuccas, among others.  So whether your garden is just one square meter or 100 square meters, there are plants that are suitable for you.

Purificacion Orchids & Ornamentals and The Succulentophile Group have a big cactus sale on May 2, 3 and 4. It will be held at the New Orchid House and Venue of Purificacion Orchids at the Manila Seedling Bank Environmental Centre, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.  Cora and Anna Purificacion are releasing many cactus collectibles at very affordable prices.  The Succulentophile Group will also have many succulents for sale.   Many are collector’s items and easy to grow.  For the advance growers though, many rarer plants will also be available.

There will be free lectures every 2 p.m. during the sale. Kevin Belmonte, Peter Bangayan, Cora and Anna Purificacion may be available at specified hours for other questions during the whole event.  Call 02-9284831 for more details.

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