#HandHygieneForAll: 5 things you need to know about handwashing

As we observe physical distancing and good hygiene habits amid the pandemic, we are constantly reminded that the simple practice of handwashing with soap and clean water is also one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. But did you know there are still a lot to learn about washing our hands?
1. Soap and clean water go hand-in-hand. What makes handwashing effective is that it mechanically removes the germs from our skin. Washing our hands with water may rinse dirt away, but germs are so tiny that they need soap to work its magic. This is because scrubbing with soap for at least 20 seconds will allow its molecules to penetrate and break down bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus.
2. Don’t miss your fingertips! World Health Organization (WHO) mentions that the thumbs, fingertips, and spaces between fingers are the areas frequently missed during handwashing. That is why it is important to keep our fingernails short and ensure that the bacteria that thrive underneath are removed.
3. Sanitizers may not be as effective with visibly dirty hands. Hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. However, if hands are visibly greasy or soiled — like after changing tires or working in the garden — these may not work well, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Handwashing with soap and water are more recommended in such instances.
4. It’s best to wash hands using clean, running water. CDC also recommends using running water as hands could be contaminated if placed in old standing water. After wetting hands, it is also important to turn off the faucet to conserve water.
5. Teaching others about handwashing will help you and your community stay healthy. Studies show that handwashing education in the community reduces respiratory illnesses like colds by 16-21%. Taking part in educational sessions and celebrations such as the Global Handwashing Day on October 15 can go a long way!

Celebrate Global Handwashing Day with Manila Water Foundation

Since 2013, Manila Water Foundation (MWF) has been leading the celebration of Global Handwashing Day in the Philippines. This 2020, don’t miss out on a virtual fete as MWF celebrates Global Handwashing Day online — live with radio personality and host Gino Quillamor! Log on to Manila Water Foundation’s Facebook page on October 15, 2 p.m. (Philippine time) to join the live event.
MWF celebrates 2020 Global Handwashing Day on October 15, 2.pm. — live with radio personality and host Gino Quillamor on their Facebook page . Released
Want to help spread the word about proper hygiene? Share the advocacy to your friends and family by joining MWF’s Global Handwashing Day Facebook frame contest, and get a chance to win amazing prizes! Click on this link to view the contest mechanics.
For more information about Global Handwashing Day, log on to https://manilawaterfoundation.org/our-programs/flagship-programs/health-in-our-hands/global-handwashing-day.