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Recipe File: The Ultimate White Truffle Pasta |

Food and Leisure

Recipe File: The Ultimate White Truffle Pasta

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - In my version I shaved some fresh truffles that my sister-in-law Audrey brought back as a pasalubong for me. It had lost some of its scent during the trip but with a little help of Filotei’s White Truffle Oil, the dish was phenomenal.

Serves two


200g uncooked tagliatelle pasta, preferably all’ouvo with egg and if fresh is available, even better (Rustan’s Gourmet offers fresh pastas to go)

3 tbsp. butter (use real butter, please, not margarine or butter spread)

Water for boiling


Fresh cracked black pepper

Olive oil

White Truffle Oil

3 tbsp. finely grated fresh parmesan (please purchase the really good nutty kind since there are very few ingredients in this pasta dish so they all have to count)

Some more parmesan for garnish and toppings


Boil the pasta in salted pasta water, almost al dente (meaning slightly undercooked). Drain the pasta but keep the water. You cannot replace this water with regular water later on; pasta water contains the starch that will help bind your “sauce.” In a deep skillet over medium heat, melt the butter in some olive oil and add the pasta. Add about a 1/2 cup of pasta water to the skillet, lower heat and let it simmer and thicken. You may choose to add a little more butter for richness. Add the grated parmesan and fresh cracked black pepper. Toss the pasta together with the parmesan and allow the pasta water to evaporate a little and thicken, creating a creamy “sauce” of butter, pasta water and some melted parmesan. You can add more pasta water if it dries out too quickly and the pasta is still too undercooked. Transfer to warm pasta bowls and top with some white truffle oil and grated parmesan. Serve immediately with some salt and cracked pepper on the side so each one can adjust the seasoning as they wish. If you’re feeling luxurious you can use the Salsa al Tartufo Bianco, stirred in at the last minute before serving.

French Bean Salad with Fried Egg, Crisp Bacon and Black Truffle Dressing

Great for brunch or as a rich appetizer

Serves two


200g French beans

2 eggs

100 g bacon fried to a crisp

1/2 red onion finely minced

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

1 tsp. white wine vinegar

1 1/2 tbsp. olive oil

1 tsp. Salsa al Tartufo or black tartufata

Salt and pepper


Boil the French beans until cooked but still crisp. Drain and set aside to cool to room temperature. In a small bowl, mix the Dijon, Salsa al Tartufo, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Whisk together with a fork, adjusting the vinegar and olive oil if necessary. Add the minced red onion to the dressing and toss the French beans in the dressing. Fry the eggs in some olive oil, keeping the yolk a little runny. Plate the beans individually and top with a fried egg and some crisp bacon. Add some cracked pepper and to elevate the truffle flavor, if you’d like, add a little dollop of truffle sauce on top of the egg.

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