GE volunteers promote spirit of volunteerism
MANILA, Philippines - GE Volunteers in the Philippines continue to promote the spirit of volunteerism by engaging in worthy programs, the latest of which was when they joined in the global GE Volunteer initiative dubbed “Comfort 4 Kids.”
Toys from GE headquarters in the USA were shipped to the Philippines and personally stuffed by GE employees. The toys were then turned over to chosen local non-profit organizations including children’s hospitals and abuse centers to comfort children in need.
Partnering with Kythe Foundation and led by Nilo Cruz (GE Healthcare country manager for the Philipippines), GE Volunteers distributed these toys to cancer-stricken and orthopedic patients of the Phiilippine Orthopaedic Hospital in Banawe, Quezon City. This served as the culminating activity in celebration of the hospital’s anniversary week this February. The employees also created murals to brighten up and improve the physical environment of hospitals and other non-profit organization in their communities.
At GE, there are more than 175 GE Volunteer Councils located in more than 46 countries worldwide, each responsible for addressing serious social issues facing their communities. GE employees volunteer over one million of hours of community service yearly in over 1,000 service projects, and benefiting the lives of tens of thousands of people. Through participation in various community projects in their respective countries, GE Volunteers are able to contribute their time, talent, knowledge and money but most of all, their hearts in helping people who need them most.
“In the Philippines, GE Volunteers are actively participating in various undertakings to help make a difference in the lives of marginalized members of our society,” said Nilo Cruz, GE Volunteers Philippines Council Leader and GE Healthcare country manager. The recent “Comfort 4 Kids” outreach was just one of many activities that we supported. We will pursue a whole lot of other similar projects in the future.”
Among the charitable projects that GE Volunteers Philippines Council has implemented include regular bloodletting activities conducted at the GE headquarters at The Fort, assistance in building classrooms, donations to various public schools and street children, recycling, tree-planting, beach clean-up and eco race, among others.
In 2009, GE Volunteers in the Philippines were awarded the GE Volunteer Impact Award in the category of Global Community Day. The award was for the “La Mesa Watershed Tree Planting” project with GE volunteers logging in a total of 2000 man-hours. In 2010, GE Volunteers Philippines recorded 20,334.5 volunteer hours spent by 983 volunteers in 93 activities. It did not only sustain its momentum in reaching out to communities where GE lives and works, but surpassed its achievements from previous years.