‘Twogether Towards Tomorrow’
It was an evening of gratitude and advocacy during DMark Beauty Corp. and DermAsia Corp.’s Client Appreciation and Sustainable Partnerships Awards Night held at EDSA Shangri-La, Manila in Mandaluyong, City.
Led by beautypreneur and DMARK Beauty Corp. CEO Nikki Tang, and the hardworking DermAsia Corp. managing director Charles Mandy, the much-awaited event, with the theme “Twogether Towards Tomorrow,” was an opportunity for the companies to extend their sincerest gratitude to all their partners in the industry, doctors in the field of dermatology, entrepreneurs in the aesthetic sciences and related fields, and the esteemed members of the Philippine Dermatological Society — all of whom have trusted DMark and DermAsia for their beauty and aesthetic needs.
The Sustainable Partnerships Awards also recognized parents and their children who have paved the way for the success of the Philippine medical aesthetic industry.
Congratulations for a successful event, dear Nikki!
89 cheers for Lita
Lita Alejar Faustino turned 89 last October but celebrated with loved ones only recently due to health concerns. She was joined by some of her closest friends, former classmates and family members at a sumptuous Asian fusion dinner at Romulo Cafe in Makati City.
One of the highlights was when Asia’s nightingale Lani Misalucha surprised the celebrator with a personal visit. Then Asia’s Queen of Songs, Pilita Corrales, followed suit and made an unannounced appearance.
Guests viewed a video tribute with celebrities like Martin Nievera and Regine Velasquez, which segued to a heart-filled rendition of Never Ever Say Goodbye by one of Lita’s sons, Mon Faustino, a noted musical director. The party continued with upbeat music by Emcy Corteza-Faustino.
What a night! *