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Secrets of lush, gorgeous hair |


Secrets of lush, gorgeous hair

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - There is a reason why the hair is called one’s crowning glory.

Most men and women get their confidence from their hair — the way it looks, the way it’s styled and even the way it feels. Hair plays a key role in being versatile and creative with a person’s looks. For men, hair reflects a personality — one can either go polished, sleek, well-groomed or simply possess that rockstar vibe. On the other hand, hair is considered a testament to a woman’s femininity and desirability. Even getting a simple haircut can mean something life-altering is happening in a woman’s life.

All these and more accentuate the importance of having healthy hair, which is why hair loss and dealing with it is a major concern for both genders.

Fortunately, apart from medical solutions and lifestyle changes, there is a hair-solutions facility that can help address hair problems. Take your cue from Hollywood big shots “Donald T.” and “Sylvester S.,” who have all reportedly sought help on their hair issues by wearing quality hairpieces.

The European Hair Factory Inc., a manufacturer dealing with hairpieces such as toupées, wigs, wiglets and the like including hair accessories and ornaments, has a wide array of solutions to help bring back one’s glorious tresses and ultimately, self-esteem.

The company is also bringing German hair expert Faik Unuvar to Manila to conduct hair solutions workshops and to present the latest technology in the industry. The hair specialist is especially looking forward to his upcoming visit.

“I am excited to introduce new hairpieces of various styles and designs that will cater to the needs of the Philippine market. Our hairpieces look so natural that people from all walks of life, including those from the entertainment and fashion industry, will find it interesting. There are items that can even be an alternate hairpiece for cancer patients. Our products are globally accepted because of their high quality,” Faik says.

Faik, a former top executive of a leading German hair company who is now with Bergmann Germany, has been specializing in hair care and hair-replacement solutions for over 10 years.

“My visit to the Philippines is an event that will generate curiosity and enthusiasm among hair specialists and salon owners about the availability of locally produced hairpieces by The European Hair Factory Inc. here in the Philippines. With my global network and exposure, I can share the best practices on hair handling care,” he shares.

“Those who have problems on hair loss and hair thinning will have various options to choose from that will meet their specific needs. These hairpieces are unique, manufactured with love and care, and can be worn effectively as the products are natural-looking as well,” Faik adds.

Getting insecure about the state of one’s locks doesn’t have to be a problem anymore. The European Hair Factory Inc. offers hair replacement solutions and procedures for men and women, hair extensions and special hair products like wigs and toupées.

(The “Faik Unuvar in Manila!” tour is happening on Feb. 20 and 21 at the Empire Salon, InterContinental Hotel Makati. For details, call The European Hair Factory Inc. at 868-6866 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday.)

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