How to live a better life
March 9, 2003 | 12:00am

Here are excerpts:
• The best students are those who want to know, not those who want to show. And the more you know, the more you will realize you don’t know... Life is a continuing learning process.
• Along with working hard, work smart! Make sure your time is productively utilized because time not properly used is time wasted.
• Take calculated risks–sometimes! The most insecure people are those who are forever playing it safe.
• When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Are you tough? If you are, you know that tough times do not last. Tough people do.
• Whatever be the situation, be serene and calm. Not angry... because anger blows the lamp of sensibility of your mind.
• Do not always talk. LISTEN! Silence is one great art of conversation.
• Often the test of courage is not to die but to live.
• You give but little when you give your possessions. It is when you give yourself that you truly give.
• Blessed are the ones who have children, life’s most precious gift to us. To be treasured... Love your children and do the very best for them. Without expectations. God is found and felt in the hearts and faces of your little ones.
• Resist a bad trait as soon as you acquire it and recognize it. Otherwise, it will become a habit and before you realize, a necessity.
• If only this, if only that... Anytime we think the problem is "out there," then that thought is the problem.
• It is better to talk and discuss things than argue. Only the weak and the insecure argue. The strong and sound ones converse.
• Don’t live to work, work to live. This is the crux. Work is important but it is not life. If you do well, you should have well being.
• Do not get into heated discussions as far as possible. The best way to win an argument is to avoid it.
• Our only treasure, the treasure we invariably ignore because we regard it as our due, is life.
These are just some of my favorites. There are many more I will be sharing with you.
By the way, thank you to my readers who continuously e-mail me. Thank you for always giving me your thoughts about my articles. You give me inspiration.
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