Health and spirituality

In last week’s column, there was a misprint and it had an effect on the whole flavor of the article. So I am going to start this week’s article with that.
The article was talking about homosexual rights — and in the middle it mentioned, why should we put them down because of “hormonal imbalance”? I literally cringed when I read the sentence. The misprint of “balance” to “imbalance” changed the whole flavor of the article. It affected anything I was saying about truth and light etc. The actual line was hormonal balance. But it’s okay. Mistakes happen; we move forward.
Let me expound further on why I cringed. Who is to say whether something is balanced or not? When I look at greed, selfishness, cruelty, indifference, I feel a distasteful imbalance. When one can do things or activities that display coldness towards others, that feels like an imbalance to me. When one just thinks of oneself… the “me me me me” is an imbalance. I don’t know if that manifests in the hormones but it feels imbalanced.
Real balance is alignment with the Divine, when one’s actions, words, thoughts are nuanced by Divine energies — this is the balance that we should all want to have. Definitely sexual preference has zilch to do with this alignment. So to categorize a whole sector of society because of sexual preference, that to me is imbalance.
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Having started with this correction of last week’s column let me then flow on to the topic of Vision.
When I gave a talk on meditation in Rockwell a few weeks ago, I mentioned the need to strengthen subtle bodies, and to awaken the Third Eye. This is a structure loosely located between the two eyebrows. A common reaction is one of fear of seeing ghosts, fear of seeing what one feels is better left unseen — there could be nothing further from an accurate understanding of what the Third Eye is. So maybe even the Third Eye would not be an appropriate term given the images conjured upon hearing the words.
In my talk I briefly talked about our subtle body structures. No one objected when I said we are more than just our bodies. This will come and go, but our spirits live on. The key to living a very productive life is to able to develop the part of us that is non-physical, which, in reality direct our bodies, direct our brains. In fact understanding the totality of our entire make up will lead to greater health — and is the best anti-aging that can be embarked on.
In a nutshell we have our physical bodies, then our etheric bodies (the energies that sustain and nuance the physical body). This is experienced in acupuncture when the needles affect life flow, or qi gong, or even tai chi, pranic healing, or pranic breathing in Indian spirituality. These forms of health and spirituality actively develop and use the etheric body as a way to well being. The health of our etheric bodies determines the health of our physical bodies.
Then we have our astral bodies — the mind, with its emotions and thoughts. This is the arena wherein we are not fully cognizant of the impact it has on our health. When we live in our astral bodies — live in our thoughts, ideas, plans — that determines life. This impacts on our etheric bodies, and in a direct way our physical bodies and that is when we get sick. This is what results in stress, high blood pressure, indigestion, and in some cases, has even contributed to cancer.
This is why I always tell people to let go. One can’t determine life. It is what it is. People are what they are. If we fixate on the past, on the negative — the one who suffers most is the self. This negative astrality grips on our etheric and physical bodies and limits us to a world of problems and chaos. Let go.
The highest part of us is the Ego. Not the usual ego in the usual understanding of the term, but rather that bigger part of us that is beyond the mind, that is connected to the Divine, that is calm, still, the flavor of consciousness is totally different from the Astral Body. This is the part we want to live in to experience joy and peace. And it can be done. The challenge is to quiet the mind.
And that is why almost all forms of spirituality aim at quieting the mind. When one’s mind is quiet, one sees things and people and situations differently. It’s the way one sees the world that gives pain.
So if one is interested in attending a meditation workshop — to experience the higher parts of ourselves and learn how to exercise the muscles of our subtle bodies, please reserve for the workshop on July 28 and 28 in Rockwell Luna Gardens. If you are interested or have questions, call Frank Quilas at 0917-6212159. His email is
If you want sessions on clearing the subconscious, you may also contact Frank.
We have this life. We make the most out of it. If we live in the chaos of our minds, we leave this world no better than when we came in. We need to bloom into the best that we can be. That is what will give life meaning.
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I can be reached at