My health journey via the Hyperbaric Chamber

I just recently spent five days in the hospital. That’s record-breaking. The last time I can remember being in the hospital for a prolonged period was when I gave birth to my son who ended up with pneumonia. He was premature so we had to stay in the hospital for two weeks to be able to nurse him — not because I was sick. True enough, while the other babies stayed there for months, in two weeks I brought my son home.
This recent one is the only other time I was in the hospital for so long. It was a really bad case of urinary tract infection (UTI). I wasn’t able to take water or any kind of solid. It was alarming because I wasn’t responding to any alternative treatment — cranberry juice, which had cured me 15 years ago, and probiotics. I didn’t even respond to pharmaceuticals. So I ended up in the hospital.
At a certain point lying down, I felt my life flow ebbing and there did come a point where I felt I want to serve the country and do good, but this is too much for me. I am just going to go. I fell asleep and woke up feeling much better. I think my angels heard me. I don’t think my life force was really ebbing. I am just not used to being sick! I just don’t get sick and I have lots of energy.
At one point, I felt maybe there was foul play because it felt like a time release of toxins. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting well no matter what I did.
Sigh! Age. One has to be more careful as one ages.
I had been doing a lot of traveling because of Quest for Love, this collaboration with the national government wherein change agents are asked to give in applications. This is done on the clear conviction that for change to happen on the ground, the critical component is the NGO, the PO, the social enterprise, the “agency” on the ground that has integrity, heart, and the will to make things happen.
I totally love what I am doing. I just need to realize that I am no spring chicken anymore and I need to watch what I do!
When I was younger, I could get by without paying attention to my water intake. So I have been drinking a lot of buko water and water. Age brings natural dehydration so one really has to take care.
What worked in the hospital was the intravenous drip of antibiotics and because I was feeling so sick, I agreed to a paracetamol drip as well.
My sister Roberta visited me with look on her face that said, “You are going to do everything that the doctors here want you to do.”
I looked at her and said, “Yes, ma’am.” I love my sisters. She came in and started organizing my room. My other sister Marisa came, danced and entertained me. Then she did a meditation. I have been so blessed to have a super loving family!
So it took five days and I was actually very well taken care of. The energy of my hospital room was good.
Interestingly, even though I wasn’t able to meditate well while I was there — I couldn’t even sit properly — at the end, my spiritual life improved. The hospital stay let me feel the intransigence of life and, amazingly, what I felt was love. My meditation shifted and I just felt more of God’s love.
In retrospect, I saw that sometimes suffering “burns” layers of heaviness — just karmic things. And if one can maneuver out of the karmic reaction with decency, something magical happens. Well, that is what happened to me. My spiritual life has significantly blossomed.
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There is something to be said about karma. Just a day ago, I came from Kamotes Island. I had heard it was beautiful and since my son Benj was willing to come with me, I decided to go there. It is beautiful, but I haven’t yet uncovered its beauty.
On my way back to the hotel, there was a block on the road and I saw a crowd congregating over a teen lying face down on the road. I was shocked that no one was helping her.
So I asked the driver to stop the car. I went to the teen. They were afraid to do anything because she might have injuries and they might be accused of something. So I told the bystanders to at least talk to her, find out how she was, wipe her face or something. Just to stand there and not do anything did not sit well with me.
So I got a shirt, wiped her face and arms, and put a jacket under her head. She started making sounds. And then the ambulance came.
When we got back to the hotel, my son wanted to go on a scooter ride. I told him it was dark and not safe for me because my eyesight was not good. But he was so insistent so I gave in. So I rode the scooter. I wanted to turn but had difficulty turning so I ended up hitting a wall. I ended up with a big bump on my forehead and bruises on my left eyelid and the entire eye area.
Lying down in my room that night, I realized I must have absorbed something from that teen lying down. I was handling her physically so there was transference of energy. That’s why my spiritual teacher always advised us to be cautious with too much physical contact because when one meditates, one becomes very sensitive to energy.
What helped with my bruises was cucumber. It was the best! And, of course, ice.
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The last thing I want to share with you on my health journey is the hyperbaric chamber. I met this lady Dr. Bing Alhambra. She is a lovely lady who had six rounds of chemo but survived that because she bought a an oxygen chamber and would lie down in it weekly. When you see her, her skin looks so good you won’t believe she’s over 70. I went in it -- and I had a general sense of well-being right after. My son told me LeBron has a hyperbaric chamber. I know Michael Jackson had one. If it works, it works. These are her other testimonials:
This person had been bedridden since he was two years old. The tests showed (low oxygen) metabolism and poorly functioning mitochondria (energy house of the cells). He was given all the nutrients that he needed plus Hyperbaric O2 therapy. After 13 sessions of HBOT, he started sitting on his own and stood up with very little assistance. He said two words — hi and hindi.
This 65-year-old man had moderately severe Parkinson’s disease. After a session of HBOT, his gait improved —from small shuffling steps to bigger steps. His facial expression also improved. He needed more HBOT, amino acid therapy, and antioxidant therapy, but he had to go back to the US.
Here are the contact details of Dr. Bing Alhambra: 49 A. Luna Ave. AFPOVAI Ph. 5 Taguig, Philippines, 0949-8188690. Dr. Alhambra doesn’t focus on the functioning of the human brain. You might want to try her out. I know she gives package deals.
In closing, remember life is what we make of it. Life is what we put in it. Life is also all about receiving. And the Divine gives to us every second of the day. We need to feel the love that is there for us ... and that is our way to a heaven like no other.
Much love to all of you!
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