Edwin Sions soul expressions
May 30, 2006 | 12:00am

When Sion paints nature, it is always alive and vivid, but never loud. His landscapes are serene, his horizons distant and beckoning. The calm defies the tumult of our days. He thinks every artwork should soften and humanize. His artistic expressions can silence a noisy world and restore needed order in chaos.
The soul animates his human subjects who seem to be speaking. What they say are to be conjectured in their particular expressions. They float in a mist of mystery where lights and shadows merge and meet beautifully. Sions claim to great art is its effect on mind and heart. He works to convey the perfect idea of beautiful forms in his paintings. His eyes have gotten used to the contemplation of subjects and objects and have acquired the power of discerning the ideal beauty in each of them.
For him, the business of every artist is to express the beauty God has endowed in each and every creature.
For information, call Theresa Sion at 455-6263 or 0917-9486494.
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