Gorgeous mom
December 4, 2005 | 12:00am
Admirable is the woman who looks good when she goes out with kids. Looking good means a well-maintained body, polished nails, clean, healthy skin and neat hair.
Ladies, childbirth is no excuse not to look good. Believe it or not, its just time management. Easier said than done? I think not. I have seen it done. There is such a thing as home service. Its as simple as having your nails done when your angels are taking their naps or taking four minutes of your time to apply makeup before they wake up. Who wouldnt want compliments in the morning to start your day right?
Always groom your eyebrows. This will help keep your face neat all the time, and I mean both while youre awake and asleep. I dont think a husband will want to stare at his wife with a uni-brow while sleeping. Its just not pleasant, ladies. Make time for yourself. Take even a day or two in a month to pamper and maintain yourself. Do hair treatments, retouch your hair color, get facials, body scrubs, massage, the works. Make time to exercise at least three times a week if you can. It could be from yoga tapes you could do in your home, or you could enroll in the gym nearby, or join a dance class perhaps. There are endless programs for you out there. All you have to do is to make that step to do it and stick to it. Make it part of your lifestyle.
My sister has four kids and lives in California. How she manages to have smokey eyes every morning before loading all her kids into the car amazes me to this day. Not to mention her colored nails and well- maintained hair. For that, my mom and I salute her. Life for women is made easier here in the Philippines because of the wonderful househelp we get. So I see no excuse why women cannot look good even while raising a family. If you see the paparazzi shots of Hollywood moms like Reese Witherspoon, Demi Moore and Catherine Zeta Jones, you will be inspired. Our local celebrity moms look just as good. Why shouldnt the majority be, too? What is stopping you?
Having a family is truly a bliss. Having such fulfillment is overwhelming. A husband and kids are part of completing a woman. What is the other part that makes a woman complete? Loving herself. A woman should never forget to make time to love herself. Simple treats and pleasures such as facials, exercise, proper diet or even a stroll in the mall and having coffee with friends will keep you in balance. Our body and our soul is who we are. Be true to yourself and be good to yourself. It will help you give a sense of peace. A light feeling inside you even. A healthy body and mind helps our soul in becoming ethereal.
Get the Look
Prepare the face. Cleanse. Tone and moisturize if needed.
Groom eyebrows.
Even out skin tone with foundation.
Set with loose powder.
Apply medium brown eye color on the lids.
Line upper lashes with dark brown eye pencil. Smudge with a q-tip.
Curl lashes before applying mascara.
Lightly sweep over pink blush on cheeks.
Finish with light pink lip color.
E-mail the author at beautysecrets@pldtdsl.net
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