

Last Thursday with Alex V.H

CTALK - Cito Beltran - The Philippine Star

Have you ever had one of those times when a specific topic or idea just seems to line up in what you’re reading, viewing or talking about with friends and think that it’s all “coincidental” until you get the unshakeable leading to do something or to talk to someone? Up to that point, it’s all just thoughts, until we act on them and discover we have a very important role in someone’s story or situation.

I have learned that if you open yourself to the possibility, train and discipline yourself to “decipher” what the suggestion or thought is about, you will discover that what people refer to as “intuition” is actually an ability to connect or be sensitive to situations you are needed in or play a part in.

Early in the month, I twice came across a story about a pastor who was walking with an associate in a town in the US. Out of nowhere a middle-aged lady approached her, clearly and with great effort and teary eyed blurted out, “Excuse me, but God just told me that you have ‘a word’ for me.”

After the initial surprise, the pastor was confronted with having to tell the lady the word that came to mind. How was he supposed to tell this woman who was clearly struggling emotionally that the first word that came to his mind was “STRAWBERRY?” After processing the situation at lightning speed, the pastor decided to go ahead with “a word” so ridiculous and comical and told the lady: “Strawberry.”

The woman’s eyes grew big, tears began to fall and she turned to a man nearby, brought him to the pastor and asked the pastor: “Tell him what you just told me.” With hesitation, the pastor once again said, “Strawberry” and then it was the husband’s turn to start crying. The lady then shared with the pastor that they had lost their only daughter in a car accident about three years ago and they had been going through such depression up to that time when God told them to ask the pastor for a word.

The mother then shared that her daughter’s favorite was strawberry and that the daughter was always so happy when she knew she would be having strawberry. The pastor commented that he could have come up with some religious or inspirational message from his head but instead he moved in faith and God completed the story and lifted the spirit of the couple.

After that I saw a video of a celebrity speaker named Jillian who, while working out at a gym, was approached by a lady who asked, “Are you Jillian?”She guardedly acknowledged that she was and at that, the stranger placed a hand on her shoulder and calmly told her: “God is saying to you all will be well.”

Jillian freaked out and shared her reaction to a trainer nearby. The trainer said: “You don’t understand how obedient that lady had to be to tell you what she did, you should really read scriptures.” It turns out that earlier in the week, Jillian had been going through a very rough situation and said: “God, if you’re real, please show me” and, as requested, God sent people to emphasize that he is real and there are people that take risks, face rejection in order to be messengers.

Last Thursday, April 13, the day before my birthday, I was having breakfast and sending out birthday greetings to a couple of friends when out of nowhere I thought of Alex Van Hagen, the well-known professional commercial and celebrity photographer who also happens to be from the Netherlands like my wife. I had not heard much from him, but I knew that the death of our fellow STAR columnist Maurice Arcache would surely have affected him, and I had not had a chance to call Alex.

Out of courtesy, I texted “Hi Alex are you in Ph? Just checking how you are. This is Cito.” To this he replied: “Will call you in a short while Cito. Not doing well.” From that message, I already knew why I was led to contact someone I rarely call out of respect as well as my nature of calling people only when necessary. It turns out that “not doing well” was worse than I thought.

It seems that Alex had experienced inexplicable gut issues, weight loss, etc. and all that led to all sorts of testing and examinations. The tests ultimately centered on a “huge mass” around his pancreas which is inoperable. From what I understood, due to his current condition, it is very difficult for Alex to take in food because the mass around his pancreas has compromised the functions of his stomach.

I let Alex do most of the talking, knowing that he needed to share his thoughts and desperation until the point when he said that he was happy that I was there to talk with him. I told Alex in all seriousness that I was probably the worst person God could have sent because I lack sympathy in this kind of situation and my often brutal honesty makes things worse, almost cruel. But Alex disagreed, saying what he needed was truth and honesty more than comforting words.

And so, I shared about friends and family I knew who had gone through pancreatic cancer, their short journey as well as pain management and ultimately settling matters with the Lord and we both agreed that in spite of ourselves, we can be totally grateful for his unfailing and unconditional love.

After the talk Alex sent me this text:

“Thank you very much Cito for this conversation we had earlier. It really means a lot to me. Don’t worry, I am at peace with the Lord and I know that Jesus is beside me and holding me. Miracles are still happening. May God’s blessings be upon you and your family always.”

*      *      *

E-mail: utalk2ctalk@gmail.com



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