
Science and Environment

Stay alive longer: The science behind Trevoca - By Dr. Arnold De Vera


The strange world of semantics brings us to bold statements just to send the message across. But in this stressful and chaotic times, truth is the only saving grace that we can hold on to, just to save priceless lives, even at the expense of braggadocio.

Avoiding the sudden death syndrome which occurs in children and adults is a must if we have to reach the anti-aging age of 80. The free radical paradigm shift in medicine is a cause celebre, not only for doctors but mostly for patients whose lives are saved by the logical use of antioxidants, that even surgically precarious situations can now be avoided by using nutrition and antioxidants which really is the science behind the Trevoca phenomenon — and for which we are greatly indebted to Dr. Denham Harman, the doctor who pioneered the free radical theory of aging in the US, which I pioneered in Asia.

Cellular apoptosis or cell death is a daily occurrence in our body that is not felt by us but inevitably ongoing. Normally, for example, blood stays in the body for 120 days more or less and gradually undergoes apoptosis and is excreted in the body after passing through the spleen and liver. Now if we have to increase human lifespan, like, for example, by caloric restriction, which is already accepted in anti-aging circles but very hard to implement because of poor patient compliance, we then have to use another way as an adjunct to the anti-aging method of calorie restriction, which is nutrition optimum, a term I use to describe a cutting-edge formation I use in designing rejuvenation for rejuvenation.

Trevoca contains complete RDA multivitamins, minerals, plus ginseng, gingko biloba, CoQ10, lycopene and lutein.

What is aging? Aging is the process of senescence or of growing old; it is both chronological and biologic aging in both cellular and organ level experienced by the whole body in general. The hair turns gray, the skin develops wrinkles, joints and muscles lose flexibility, bones become weak, memory declines, eyesight diminishes, and immunity is impaired. Also, it is during the normal cell activity when unpaired, unstable oxygen molecules called free radicals develop bombarding healthy cells and our immune system grows weak before our time, also causing the DNA to mutate the cells into malignant cancer cells.

Reviewing the components of Trevoca I saw a new phenomenon I call synergistic anti-aging property (SAP) which is displayed by the whole bunch of multivitamins, minerals, ginseng, gingko biloba, CoQ10, lycopene and lutein than when used individually. This synergism is the one responsible for the arrest of free radical damage, which is one of the principles of anti-aging.

What then is anti-aging medicine? Anti-aging medicine is the art and science of delaying the onset, prevention or outright reversal of the aging process of humans. In short, it is the lengthening of the human lifespan, which, on the average, is from 75 to 80 years.

Trevoca is a combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and herbs, which synergistically act together to provide anti-aging protection. There are 11 vitamins to wit:

1.         Vitamin C — which minimizes colds symptoms, speeds wound healing, promote healthy gums;

2.         Calcium panthotenate — helps promote a healthy control nervous system, aids the body to process carbohydrates, fat and protein, and may improve chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, heartburn and allergies;

3.         Cyanocobalamin — prevents a form of anemia, helps reduce depression, relieves nerve pain, numbness and tingling;

4.         Folic acid — protects against birth defects, reduces heart disease and risk of stroke by lowering homocysteine levels, and lowers risk for several cancers;

5.         Niacinamide — lowers cholesterol, may improve circulation, and may ease symptoms of arthritis;

6.         Pyridoxine — helps to lift depression, relieves insomnia, and may lessen PMS symptoms;

7.         Roboflavin — prevents or delays the onset of cataracts, reduces the frequency and severity of migraine, and improves skin blemishes caused by rosacea;

8.         Thiamine — stimulates energy production, promotes healthy nerves, and strengthens the heart;

9.         Vitamin A — fight colds, flu and other typing of infections, heals wounds, burns and ulcers, and maintains eye health;

10.       Vitamin D3 — helps the body to absorb calcium, promotes healthy bones, and strengthens the teeth;

11.       Calcium phosphate — maintains bones and teeth, aids heart and muscle contraction, nerve impulses and blood clotting, and eases heartburn.

Minerals are essential to body metabolism either as its co-factors or catalytic adjuncts. Trevoca has eight minerals like (1) copper which strengthens blood vessels, bones, tendons and nerves, helps to maintain fertility, ensures health hair and skin pigmentation; (2) fluoride which helps form other tissues, protects bone fractures, and helps the body to burn fats and carbohydrates; (3) iron which treats iron deficiency anemia, often needed by women with heavy menstrual periods and in other situation determined by the doctor; (4) magnesium which reduces spasm and cramps, lowers high blood pressure, and helps prevent complications of diabetes; (5) manganese which when added to buffer solutions makes cells very adhesive, and treats heart arrhythmias, osteoporosis, epileptic seizures, sprains and back pain; (6) potassium which helps lower blood pressure, and may prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke; (7) selenium which works with vitamin E to help prevent cancer and heart disease; and (8) zinc which fights cold and other infections, treats a wide range of chronic ailments from rheumatoid arthritis and underactive thyroid to fibromyalgia and osteoporosis, may boost fertility, builds healthy hair and diminishes ringing in ears.

Antioxidants combat oxidative free radicals which cause aging and degenerative disease like atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer and cancer. Trevoca contains four antioxidants, namely (1) Coenzyme Q10 which treats gum diseases and maintains healthy gums and teeth, protects the nerves and may help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, may help to prevent cancer and heart diseases, and plays a role in slowing down age-related degenerative changes; (2) Vitamin E which may delay or prevent cataracts, protects against second-hand smoke and other pollutants, helps skin to heal; (3) lutein which reduces risk of chronic diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease, promotes clear vision by absorbing the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, and helps slow down the development of macular degeneration; and (4) lycopene which may lower the risk of certain types of cancers, including prostate and lung cancers, may provide protection against heart disease, and enhances immunity.

And lastly, Trevoca contains two power-packed herbs like ginkgo biloba and ginseng. Ginkgo biloba slows the progression programming of Alzheimer symptoms, sharpens memory and concentration in older people, and helps headache, dizziness and ringing in the ears. Ginseng combats the physical effects of stress, may treat impotence and infertility in men, and boosts energy.

To sum it all up, when I pioneered the use of Rejuvenatrics and Rejuvenatology to rejuvenate humankind, what was in my mind is the total rejuvenation of man from the inside out using nanotechnology, gene therapy, adult stem cell therapy as well as nutrition optimum wherein I use antioxidants to the max by using Trevoca and asking my patients to lose weight, avoid stress by avoiding stressful people, avoid soft drinks and junk food and instead go natural and organic, avoid fats, sugar and salts, avoid smoking and hard liquor and instead drink red wine which has resveratrol, exercise optimally, meditate using the ASC-VERA which we will expound later and as the Bible says in the Ten Commandments, honor thy father and mother that you might have long life. All said and done, welcome to long life, happiness and rejuvenation!

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Dr. Arnold de Vera is a noted cosmetic plastic surgeon who toured United States and Asia for new techniques and technologies in anti-aging medicine and cosmetic plastic surgery. He is an advocate of nanotechnology, gene therapy, and adult stem cell therapy for use in anti-aging, aside from HGH therapy and massive antioxidants.

He is a Tau Mu Sigma Phi member of the UST College of Medicine and Surgery, a Rotarian and founder of Rejuvenatrics and Rejuvenatology and a Theosophist and Kabbalist, His special interests are the use of minimally invasive surgery in cosmetic plastic surgery and the use of gene therapy and active specific immunotherapy against cancer.

He can be reached at St. Luke’s Medical Center, Rm. 444 MAB and at his private Anti-Aging and Beauty Surgery Center at 1823 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City (721-2592 or 0916-2600179). He is the founder of the Philippine Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Inc.

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