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Mar 03 (2 weeks ago)
Access to clean and potable water is one of today’s most pressing challenges, with rapid urbanization and population growth straining freshwater resources. United Nations (UN)-Water emphasizes that effective water management is crucial for society and the environment.
Science and Environment
Mar 03 (2 weeks ago)
Silliman University (SU), through its Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS), and GCash, through its GForest feature, have broadened their 2023 SU-GCash Reforestation in South Negros Project.
Science and Environment
Jan 10 (2 months ago)
While the Philippines strives for a sustainable energy future, the present demands a pragmatic approach.
Science and Environment
Dec 16 (3 months ago)
A viper with scales that look like eyelashes and a leaf-nosed bat are among dozens of new species identified in Southeast Asia's Mekong region last year, WWF said Monday.
Science and Environment
Dec 02 (3 months ago)
New Zealand scientists on Monday began dissecting a whale considered the rarest in the world, a species so elusive that only seven specimens have ever been documented.
Science and Environment