Alas, a nation soon to be dominated by narco politics
The number one threat to our nation today is neither the Chinese intrusions into our national territory, not anymore the leftist armed struggles of the NPA, the National Democratic Front and their many minions in the labor front, the peasants, the urban poor and the youth, nor the many kidnappings, murders, and acts of terrorisms attributed to ICIS, Jamiya Islamiya and the Abu Sayaf and the secessionist movement in the south. The clear and imminent dangers poised to destroy our country and our people are currently the evils of the rising drug problems and the exceedingly manifest narco politics. Many national and local politicians are now under the payroll of the drug lords. And the elections next year may be decided by massive vote buying courtesy of millions that the drug syndicates shall inundate the electorate with.
Some drug lords nowadays are funding both sides, the incumbents and the challengers in the coming May 2016 polls, so that whoever wins, the new officials shall be controlled and dominated by the drug syndicates. That would mean that when the local mayors or governors are funded by narco money, these officials will look the other way whenever the drug merchants send out their drug couriers and drug pushers in all the barangays, all the nooks and cranies of the land in order to make our children all addicts and drug-dependents. It is the common belief among the few good men in our society that no town, no barangay, no province and no city can ever be penetrated by drugs if and when the mayor, the governor, the INP directors and the other law-enforcement authorities are against drugs and do take strong position against the drug trade.
Today, there are many towns and barangays where drugs are being traded openly as if they are candies or cigarretes. There are now drug ''tiangges'' and drug dens. We can not accept any alibi that the mayors, the governors, the police officials and other responsible officials in the locality do not know about such a social malady. If they don't know then they are stupid, excuse my word, but they should resign.If they then know all about it and they do not do something to fight it, then they are guilty of collusion or tolerance or, at the very least, gross and habitual negligence, a dereliction of their duties and intentional omission despite their sworn obligations to protect the citizens and uphold the law. Today, this social cancer is the new threat to our national security, and to peace and well-being of our people.
There is simply too much reason to be afraid that, after the elctions of 2016, our nation will be under the control and domination of big-time drug syndicates. They can dictate legislation and practically determine national policies. Legislators will be dependent on drug lords to fund their operations, to maintain their hold on their constituencies. Provinces shall be dominated by narco power that shall lurk in all echelons of decision-making. The judiciary, the prosecution service, the police forces, even the barangay officials shall be completely controlled by narco power. Education, trade, the media and even the church shall be influenced by the drug syndicates. The few good men and women who shall try to stand up against it will be killed, kidnapped and eliminated.
Today, most of our people do nothing decisive and firm, and they entirely rely on government to fight this new social cancer. But the government alone neither has the political will nor the wherewithals to wipe out the menace of the drug malady. And the whole government is not united. Many are completely or largely clueless on the extent of this national malady. Some simply do not care because they do not realize the far-reaching implications of the drug problem..The other institutions should unite with government to combat such a social maldy with a united front. The schools, the churches, the civil society, the youth, the elderly, the women sectors, labor and capital, the urban poor, the rural peasants, the migrant workers, and qll other sectiors should stand as one against drugs. We need a leader like Duterte who will never compromise with the drug syndicates.
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