Sultan andam na manalipod sa iyang WBF title
Based on the tabulation from the C-CIMPEL as of May 16, it seems that Luigi Quisumbing is running second in the 6th district. I had thought he was winning big. Because he was a heavy favorite before the balloting.
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Manny Pacquiao got floored by Rep. Darlene Antonino Custodio in the congressional fight in GenSan. But as I write this, Pacman's seconds have not yet thrown in the towel.
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E-mail from L.L. Watin of
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Senatorial bet Prespero Pichay seems out of the running at this time. Maybe the voters think the Senate is no place for vegetables.
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Two leaders of an aborted coup in
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It says here that a victor in a mayoral race in Nueva Ecija collapsed after eating a spoiled hamburger. Well, there's a saying that goes: "To the victor belongs the spoiled."
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I heared Mayor Tom O say on tv after leading Mary Ann de los Santos in early poll returns: "Tomorrow she'll be nothing." Tom beat Mary Ann quick and easy. But listen to what Henry Ward Beecher once said: "Victories that are easy are cheap. Those only are worth having which come as a result of hard fighting."
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Michel de Montaigne said: "There are some defeats more triumphant than victories." Was he referring to defeat in the hands of unworthy victors?
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Gabby Leyson was clobbered bad by Talisay Mayor Soc Fernandez. Political analysts partly - or wholly - blame Gabby's defeat on Mayor Tom Osmeña. Talisaynons, they say, took revenge on Tom for his "hostility" to Talisaynons and made this revenge through Gabby Leyson known as Tom's best bet in Talisay. Rightly or wrongly, this is that most neutral observers think.
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Three senatorial bets from the showbiz community lost -- Richard Gomez, Cesar Montano and Victor Wood. Our entertainment editor Nathalie T. said that defeat of these wellknown actors could be due to the voters' unfavorable perception of the other wellknown actor's lackluster performance in the legislature, including the Senate. My friend Dr. Norma Abrion, who teaches Psychology in
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