

Films about friends

Joy Jonette Chuyaco - The Philippine Star

Everybody needs a friend. Who doesn’t? They bring spice to our life and offer support when we need it. In return, we also need to do our part to make the friendship stronger. Let’s be thankful for our friends and celebrate with them this wonderful relationship. Why not dedicate some of these friendly films to them? Or better yet watch it together with them.

Kite Runner (2007). A drama, set in Afghanistan, about the friendship of two young boys. Amir and Hassan are good friends, in spite of their differences in financial status. However, an unpleasant event causes them to be separated. Now, after several years, Amir needs to come back to his homeland to save Sohrab (Hassan’s Son) from a syndicate capturing and abusing kids. Hassan is already dead. This encouraged Amir to go on with the search and save Sohrab even if his life is at stake.

Stand By Me (1986). Gordie (Wil Wheaton), Chris (River Phoenix), Teddy (Corey Feldman) and Vern (Jerry O’ Connell) are young boys who are trying to find the body of a boy who is said to be dead. Together, they will learn a lot about life, growing-up and friendship, while embarking on an adventure. The theme song Stand by Me was truly a perfect match for the movie.

Now & Then (1995). The story about the touching friendship of Chrissy, Roberta, Teeny and Samantha. When they were in their pre-teenage years, they have promised that if any of them is in trouble, they will surely be there for each other. Now that promise is to be fulfilled when Chrissy, who is pregnant and about to deliver, requested for their presence. Everyone is present. They can’t help but reminisce about how their friendship started. It is nice to look back at how you met your friends. The movie starred Rosie O’ Donnell, Cristina Ricci, Melanie Griffith, Demi Moore and more.

St. Elmo’s Fire (1985). Seven different individuals, one bond of friendship to keep. Will it last? The film shows their struggle as they embark on their life after college. They try to keep their friendship strong in spite of the misunderstandings that they have. In the end, they realized that they need to grow up and accept each other’s weaknesses. The movie starred Demi Moore, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy and more.

Sex and the City (The Movie) (2008). The famous TV series that hit the big screen. The movie follows the life and friendship of Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Catrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon).One of them is getting married, one is searching for love, another one is trying to have a baby and someone is turning bitter about love. Just like in the TV series, the movie shows the ups and downs of women and the perks of having friends.

Toy Story (1995 and 1999). Who could ever forget the friendship and adventures of Woody and Buzz? These two best friends sure have a lot of arguments, but they do care for each other no matter what happens. The movie-animation creates a strong bonding between Woody and Buzz, that their strengths and weaknesses complements each other—just like how we feel with our friends.

E.T. (1982). A touching movie about the friendship of Elliot (Henry Thomas) and a lost alien. At first no one could believe that their friendship is possible, but it sure is happening. Elliot tries to find ways to help ET (Elliot’s given name to the alien) go back home to the outer space. As their friendship grows stronger, the idea of separating becomes very hard to accept. But ET needs to go because he is in danger here on earth. Sometimes, we need to be separated with our friends to move on with our lives.

Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion (1997). Romy (Mira Sorvino) and Michele (Lisa Kudrow) are bestfriends. They have each other for better or for worst. Now, after 10 years, they are called for a high school reunion. Romy and Michele realize that they have nothing to show off in terms of money and career they have nothing to flaunt. So they decide to still attend the reunion, wearing fabulous clothes and a creative success story.

Beaches (1988). A movie about the wonderful friendship of a rich girl named Hillary (Barbara Hershey) and a singer wannabe CC (Bette Midler). They meet at a resort and become friends. Distance is never a problem to them, as they write each other letters. When they grew up, Hillary and CC lived together. Now, their friendship becomes on the rocks as they get to know each other a little more better than how they knew each other in letters. Will it still be friends forever for them? Friendship also means accepting the other person.

Boys on the Side (1995). The story about three different women who are stranger to each other and brought together by fate. Jane (Whoopi Goldberg) is a singer and lesbian. Robin (Mary-Louise Parker) suffers from AIDS and looks for someone to accompany her to California. Holly (Drew Barrymore) hides from her past. Together, they will discover a wonderful relationship called friendship. Sometimes one can find friendship in the most unexpected situation.

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