

Flexible work arrangements under the new normal

WHAT MATTERS MOST - Atty. Josephus B. Jimenez - The Freeman

These are the worst of times, and also the best of times, to quote Charles Dickens in his immortal novel “A Tale of Two Cities”. While massive economic dislocations are now happening in the global arena, we have the power to respond with amazing flexibility, and flawless resiliency. We can innovate and not just survive but even prosper, if we play our cards well. This June 10, I am conducting a webinar via Zoom on Flexible Work Schemes for employers and businessmen to consider.

The COVID-19 crisis has changed the world in ways we never imagined. Hundreds of thousands of people have died all over the world, and the global economy has been jolted. If businessmen and industrial leaders don’t respond effectively, then they shall perish and lose all their money. This coming June 10, I am conducting a webinar on new ways of doing work through digital platforms, as well as some other creative innovations so people can resume business operations without violating government protocols, or endangering the health of our human resources.

Many, if not most companies, factories, and offices all over the world, have either stopped their operations or adopted new schemes of achieving results and serving their customers and clients. In the USA alone, no less than 40 million workers lost their jobs and applied for unemployment insurance. Thousands of companies are declaring bankruptcies and the world is being challenged to innovate, find new solutions, and discover new techniques, otherwise, they cannot survive these massive changes. In the Philippines no less than two million stand to lose their jobs, and small-scale firms and micro enterprises are declaring closures, redundancies, and retrenchments.

The aviation and shipping industries are badly hit; they need government subsidy in order to survive. Hotels and restaurants are struggling to recover millions of losses, and the whole tourism industry is paralyzed. The only employers that are making money are hospitals and funeral parlors as well as crematoria and flower shops for the dead. Factories have lost millions in terms of unrealized production, offices have lost clients who decided to solve their own problems and logistics companies have been practically immobilized by strict government regulations. Universities and colleges cannot open under the same procedures. They need to institute new protocols of transmitting learning through the use of digital platforms.

For these reasons, we are offering help by installing new ways of doing business, to achieve company goals without endangering the health and safety of workers, or violating government regulations. In my webinar this coming June 10, I shall offer new ways of arranging work schedules and work assignments that will assure full operations but with much-reduced levels of hazards to zero risks of infections. There are many legal and practicable work arrangements which can be done and which are affordable, as well as perfectly legal. These innovative work schemes are acceptable to the government and also attractive to the employees. HR managers and business leaders should attend this webinar by contacting me now and tomorrow in my email address above.

Industry and business leaders and their HR managers cannot afford to leave everything to fate and just wait for manna from heaven. There are creative ways not only to cope but even to come out highly successful in these challenging times. Indeed, the worst of times can generate the best solutions to our problems if we use our God-given talents to create new ways and innovate. I happen to have the solutions if you happen to have the problem. Contact me and we can succeed together.

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