

Stringed roots: Rondalla rocks!

ESSENCE - Ligaya Rabago-Visaya - The Freeman

Imagine a musical instrument that is hardly known by younger generation, or if known, used to play old, unfamiliar songs. This scenario has been witnessed last Monday, July 15, 2013 at the Ayala Activity Center Cebu. Twenty five musically-gifted Filipino-American youth rendered songs from old Tagalog and Cebuano all-time classics to the amusement of the oldies, to contemporary music to the delight of the young audience-in a rondalla.

Rondalla, an ensemble of stringed instruments played with the plectrum or pick and generally known as plectrum instruments originated in Medieval Spain, especially in Catalunya, Aragon, Murcia, and Valencia. The tradition has later on flourished in other Spanish-influenced dominions. The word rondalla is from the Spanish ronda, meaning “serenade.”

In the Philippines, in 1800s, rondalla is Spain's musical legacy. It has become a traditional ensemble and one of the most revived musical tradition practices. A serenade of a group of men in rural communities pictures a truly musical, loving people. It has likewise provided accompaniment to folk dancing and singing in communal gatherings. The Philippine rondalla developed into an elaborate instrumental group. In addition to the bandurria, laud, and guitar of the Spanish rondalla, Filipinos added the octavina, bass, and optional instruments such as the piccolo bandurria, mandola, and various percussion instruments.

The Boston-based Iskwelahang Pilipino (IP), since its inception in 1976, has been serving the Filipino-American community in the New England area. It has provided an organized and nurturing environment for children where they can learn, appreciate, and develop pride in their cultural heritage. An important program of IP is the IP Rondalla Ensemble established in 1986. Its goal is to preserve and perpetuate a native form of Philippine Folk music through rondalla classes and performances in major events in the United States and Europe.  As the performing arm of IP, the rondalla musicians have served as goodwill ambassadors for IP in the US and abroad.

A very notable objective of the group is “to deepen the understanding of Philippine history, culture and arts as well as instill a sense of patriotism for their motherland…bringing the IP Rondalla Ensemble to the Philippines. By having them perform in Metro Manila and in many other provinces, the group hopes to immerse them in the local communities for possible interaction with children and civic organizations.”

Among the young generation, using not so popular musical instruments in playing very popular songs would hearten an initial connection to the song and later on fascination to the source instruments. Moreover, the young artists did not only play the instruments but incorporated dance movements and singing routines, indeed a total theatrical extravaganza.

Whenever we hear of a rondalla performance, it would mean to some, especially the young, playing of long forgotten musical pieces. But the IP Rondalla has offered the young audience a different sound and touch to contemporary music. It created nostalgia among the not so young audience when classic immortal songs were serenaded and hype among the young, once popular songs were played.  

These young individuals who were born and raised in foreign land have appreciative hearts to the local culture. They inspire the present generation to love music through the instruments that our ancestors have once played.

It is so uplifting to see them playing the instruments that to some is already passé, and only the seasoned and aged are capable of doing. Through the string instruments they are able to trace their roots and manifest unfathomable admiration fostering cultural identification. With high hopes that such exercise would also open the hearts and minds of the new breed to appreciate one's past-an endeavor that needs more support from the government, private stakeholders and the general public.

Iskwelahang Pilipino enthuses a generation that may have lost a sense of positive reception of the musical glory of the past. IP Rondalla truly rocks!



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