A new home for Filipiniana
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has launched a major worldwide tree planting campaign. Under the Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign, people, communities, business and industry, civil society organizations and governments are encouraged to enter tree planting pledges online in their website with the objective of planting at least one billion trees worldwide during the year 2007. As of May, the website registers a total of 13,938,742 trees planted so far and 962,442,145 pledges. UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner, raises the alarm that forest cover, in a global context, is at least one-third less than what it once was, hence, he enjoins everyone to act and to reverse the trends.
In the
Many studies have shown that the massive Contract Reforestation Project embarked on by the government in the early 1990s to save Philippine forests did not succeed because fast-growing exotic species like Mahogany, Gemelina and Eucalyptus were planted. This produced negative effects on the productivity of the land and on the biodiversity of the area. The proliferation of Mahogany, for one, was found harmful because other native trees found it hard to survive. Reforestation using the same species was found to be more effective.
Hence, tree planting advocacy and campaign must include important lessons from the past so that every nation’s effort will not be in vain, or worse, may even lead to more serious biodiversity loss. The more everyone realizes their actions are fundamentally, and to a significant extent irreversibly, changing the diversity of life on Earth, the better we can take care of the earth we live in.
Remember, the first home of Adam and Eve was a paradise called The Garden of Eden, a delightful place filled with trees of beauty, height and grace, a place of innocence and bliss? Well, that paradise is what we should be enjoying.
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