

Is our democracy spoiling us?

AS A MATTER OF FACT - Sara Soliven De Guzman -
I hope the soon-to be President of the Republic of the Philippines will once and for all study whether our form of government is right for us or not. Why the fuss? If you know what form of government is best suited for our country – I think we can resolve half of the problems in the government today. But first things first – what form is best for us?

A "Monarchy" will give us only one ruler who will dictate everything. In other words, a "dictator"! Oh, my! Another Marcos Regime? I am sure we have learned our lessons from the past and would not dare want to bring such a ruler back into power. Sayang! If our leader would have the characteristics of a Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore who seemed to be a straight and well meaning leader, kahit na parang dictator siya – okay lang (even if he was a dictator it’s okay). I wouldn’t mind having a little dictator as long as he or she gets that job done.

For a while I thought Bayani Fernando was the answer. All his achievements in Marikina and initial works as the MMDA Chairman made us happy. I really felt he was the guy we were looking for. You know a budding Lee Kwan Yew. But what happened to him? He disappeared into thin air. Is this a result of his own doing or of the bureaucracy? Well, I can’t help but mention that many of the traffic rerouting schemes do not work. In fact, they seemed to be a cause of more accidents. What happened? That was HOPE for a few seconds and now it’s gone!

Anyway, having an "Oligarchy" is having few people rule just like having an "Aristocracy". I cannot see the Philippines in such a set-up. Although, many Filipinos feel like Kings and Queens. Just watch when the President takes her Oath of Office during the Philippine President’s inauguration. There will be ladies and gentlemen of the land, of course, dreaming to become kings and queens one day. It will be a day of glitter and glamour coupled with sarcasm and insincerity of a few who are just there for a free publicity. You will see a parade of signature gowns and suits (or barong), gleaming accessories and incredible hairdos to flaunt one’s wealth and power. It’s just like having the Philippine version of the Royal Court (with no strict protocol).

Hey! It may sound like I am sourgraping. I am not; it’s just amusing to me and I’m sure it is to you.

What we have is a "Democracy" wherein many rule just like what you saw on TV during the Congressional Canvassing period. There were too many leaders. Everyone wanted to take the floor and say his piece. Too many words said but no action done.

The Philippines is a country ruled by many. We are a republic because we are ruled by representatives. The citizens are the ones who get our government officials voted into office. We have a choice not to re-elect them, if they are not doing their work.

However, it seems that politicians especially the ones we call trapos are experts in getting themselves voted into office. You can clearly see this if the district continues to breed "squatter" colonies – those are their secret voters. The public obviously is aware of the dirty tricks of the politicians because they don’t listen. We just pray for them and hope that one day their conscience will soon hit them like a thunderbolt. We are really at their mercy.

Ever since we regained our Independence in 1946 from the Americans, we have patterned our government’s system after them. In fact, we have been influenced by the Americans too much that even if the "practice" does not seem to fit our culture and values – we tend to force it.

What is really our definition of democracy? Is it a free- for-all thing without any responsibilities? Is the concept of having the freedom to do what you like no matter what the stakes are and with no consideration for those who will be greatly affected by such actions? Is democracy a misnomer in a society such as ours where greed prevails more than social conscience?

Madam President, it is for you to find out why our present form of government – that of having separate but co-equal Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Branches – doesn’t seem to work for us. Perhaps, now that you are given the full six-year term to render service to the Filipino people, you will have more than enough time to think of a better form of democracy. Is democracy really for the Filipino people or are we spoiled by it? We have tried to live up to Uncle Sam’s expectations since Independence from the Americans in 1946. Of course in the USA it has been working well (after centuries of refining the system). But it doesn’t mean that if it works in America, it will for us, too. I think it is about time that we stop following American patterns. Let us try to be original and decide on what is best for our country. Enough of the colonial mentality, we have definitely passed the millennium already. It is already year 2004, the Colonial Period is over – wake up!

No, do not classify me as an anti-American – I am not! I just feel that we have to have our own minds, our own dreams and our own system! I even would love to keep a democratic form of government but are we really ready to use such a system? Maybe so, if we clearly define what true democracy means.

In the World Book Series, the Parliament is defined as "the national lawmaking body of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan and other democratic countries. Some parliaments are made up entirely of elected representatives; others have both elected and appointed or hereditary members. In a parliamentary government, the top officials are known as ministers. They make up an executive body that is called the cabinet. They are also members of parliament so they carry out legislative functions as well. The top officials are elected by the voters of the district they represent rather than by the entire nation. The cabinet remains in power only as long as it has the support of a majority of the members in parliament. In a parliamentary form of government the chief executive is called the prime minister. He is the leader of the largest party in parliament or of a coalition. A coalition is a temporary joining of parties that together have a majority of seats. The prime minister is formally appointed by the official head of state rather than elected by the voters."

Do you think this system will work for us? Well, it may, if we use it in its true form.

The crisis we are witnessing now is not caused by the system of government but rather by the men and women who run it. If we lose sight of this situation, we shall find ourselves enmeshed in a national catastrophe. If the laws of the land are used blindly by men who know nothing about them with the aim of destroying one another, the attempt will be successful because the forces at man’s disposal are infinite and accessible to all at all times and in every place.

Let us refocus ourselves as we prepare to rule this land – the land we have loved and died for. The people are counting on all those elected into public office to get things done! This is the constant cry of the nation. LET THIS BE YOUR CHALLENGE!

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