Common causes of kitchen fires and how to stop them

Know how to properly deal with kitchen fires

MANILA, Philippines — Of the different areas in the house, the kitchen is the most likely place where a fire can start. It is because we deal with flame when we cook food and there are so many electrical appliances, such as microwave oven and blender, in the kitchen.

These gadgets aid in cooking and baking, but since they are powered by electricity, accidents can happen. As the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) reports, electrical connections and open flames are two of the most common causes of fires in the country. And while we have been taught that fire can be put out with water, we are about to relearn that this is not always the case. Some fires are fueled with water, and so pouring water over them may even spread the fire instead of extinguishing them.

So, it is always good to educate ourselves with the common causes of fires in the house so that we would be able to identify when there is serious trouble and know exactly what to do to stop it. However, prevention is still better than cure, so it would be even better to set safety measures in place to keep such accidents from happening.

Fire caused by cooking oils and grease

The most important thing to remember: Don’t try to put it out with water. Doing so will just spread the fire. Instead, turn off the burner first and foremost. Oxygen encourages fire, so deplete it by covering your cooking pan with a metal lid. Don’t use a glass lid because the glass may shatter from the heat. Make sure you protect yourself with mitts before touching any of the scalding hot items. You can also use a lot of baking soda to smother small flames, but never use flour, as it can worsen things.

Avoid grease fire by keeping your cooking surfaces clean. Oil splatters when cooking fried food, thus covering the stove and kitchen counters with grease. An easy way to clean the stovetop is to wipe it down with a mix of baking soda, salt, and dish soap. Meanwhile, stove grates and burners can be washed or soaked with hot water and soap.

Electrical fire from kitchen appliances

Electrical fires happen inside appliances—microwave ovens, toasters and similar items. In case of an electrical fire, keep the appliance door closed and cut off the fuel source, which means unplug the appliance.

It goes without saying that since electricity is involved, do not use conductors like water to extinguish the fire. Also, have the appliance checked and repaired before attempting to use it again. The fire may have damaged some parts and made it more dangerous.

To prevent electrical fire from happening, make sure that appliances are installed correctly and maintained regularly. Unplug them when not in use, and keep water away from sockets and plugs at all times.

Fire or explosion ignited by gas leaks

A small gas leak from the LPG, if not tended to immediately, can fill the kitchen with flammable gas. And once a heat source is turned on—be it a lighter, a match, or a burner—fire will catch and spread quickly. If you detect a gas leak, open doors and windows fully to let the gas out and call a professional to handle the situation. Fires caused by gas leaks are usually too big to put out on your own, so it’s best to evacuate and seek help.

The best way to prevent LPG accidents is to buy only quality kitchen fuel like Solane LPG. There are many illegal sellers of fake LPG that can cause the very explosions you’re trying to avoid, so make sure that you only buy from authorized distributors. Solane inspects all their tanks thoroughly to make sure that there are no gas leaks. Plus, you’re sure to get a bang for your buck with their Timbang Challenge and 7-point safety check upon delivering and installing your tank – you’ll never get a cylinder with less LPG than promised, unlike with illegal refillers.

More ways to prevent kitchen fires

Have a proper fire extinguisher on hand. Just as there are several kinds of fires, there are also different types of fire extinguishers. For the kitchen, the most common ones to have ready is Class B for flammable liquid and gas fires and Class C for electrical fires. Invest in these extinguishers and place them in an accessible area.

It’s a good idea to install a fire alarm system and come up with an evacuation plan. Familiarize yourselves with your building’s emergency protocols, too, if you live in one.

Practice caution and care in the kitchen at all times. A fire is no small thing, so only opt for high quality kitchen essentials to protect the safety of your home and family.

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