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Jan 25 (3 weeks ago)
In the delicate dance of cultures, indigenous practices are gradually merging into mainstream culture.
Education and Home
Jan 14 (1 month ago)
With changing technology and 2025 midterm elections approaching, adapting to digital media means utilizing it with a purpose grounded on truth, commitment and creativity, journalist Camille Diola said at the University of Santo Tomas on Saturday, January 11.
Education and Home
Dec 10 (2 months ago)
Students in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental, recently got a significant boost in their robotics and programming aspirations by taking part in a workshop aimed at developing their skills and deepening their knowledge in the robotics and programming field.
Education and Home
Nov 27 (2 months ago)
Amid the early implementation of K-12 in the Philippines back in 2015, the British Council hosted a roundtable to address concerns about the state of English proficiency. Industry partners, BPOs in particular, struggled to find candidates with adequate communication skills.
Education and Home
Nov 14 (3 months ago)
The legal education provider Access MCLE has always been ahead of the league, setting the standard with the commitment to keep Filipino lawyers abreast of the changing legal landscape.
Education and Home