

Celebrity moms reveal secret to raising #TodoExplorer 3+ toddlers

Euden Valdez - Philstar.com
Celebrity moms reveal secret to raising #TodoExplorer 3+ toddlers
Moms Isabel Oli-Prats, Samantha Valenciano and LJ Moreno-Alapag are raising 3+ toddlers who are staying and learning at home. With this new reality, they also face new experiences and challenges alike.
Composite photo by Enrico Alonzo

MANILA, Philippines — While all 3+ toddlers are innately active and energetic, each is unique in terms of curiosity, character and most importantly development. This is why toddlerhood is considered the most challenging for parents, and not just that, it is also deemed one of the most important stages in growing-up kids.

In this regard, moms will also have different parenting styles in rearing their toddlers age three and up. But no matter how difficult it could be at times, in the end, it’s always exciting and rewarding.

Moms Isabel Oli-Prats, Samantha Valenciano and LJ Moreno-Alapag attest to this, especially today wherein their toddlers are staying and learning at home. They face new experiences and challenges alike.

“Toddlerhood in this season may be different and hard for a lot, but as much as it’s tough and also sometimes sad to see our kids not being able to grow up the way we all did, I doubt they’re as sad as we think they are,” shared Samantha about her daughter Leia.

She said that unlike before, kids actually see their parents more during lockdown.

LJ agreed to this, “During this pandemic we have been able to be more hands on than we already are because our kids are always home.”

Still, LJ had to adjust because her son Calen was not able to experience activities and classes unlike his older siblings. “With Ian and Keona, once they became a 3+ toddler they already had gym classes and music classes. For Calen, he started the classes but it was cut short because of the pandemic,” she shared.

Since their family moved to US in September, Calen could finally enjoy some outdoor activities again like going to the park.

Isabel, for her part, had been asked by her daughter Feather on why she couldn’t go out anymore.

“We had to explain it to her on why we can’t—because of the virus. She understood it right away and that’s why I considered myself blessed, kasi mabilis siya mag-adjust,” Isabel recounted.

Finding a trusted partner, listening to experts

Isabel, Samantha and LJ know how important it is to find a trusted partner in toddlerhood. This is the secret they all share, especially as they prioritize their kids’ health and well-being more than ever today.

For them, this trusted partner is NIDO® 3+, which is ever present to aid and support them.

True to this commitment, NIDO® 3+ recently hosted the Todo Expert T.I.P.S. (Toddler Indoor Picnic Session), a multi-platform virtual event featuring interactive and engaging AR (augmented reality) activities.

Also at the event, moms together with their kids listened to experts who imparted tips on how to provide the right nutrition and health protection to 3+ toddlers.

“One important insight that we discovered from the T.I.P.S. event is that NIDO® 3+ has no added table sugar and that kids should only have seven teaspoons of sugar a day! I never actually took into consideration that a lot of the food we eat has a lot of sugar in it so we have to be careful. At least we got our milk covered,” Samantha shared.

Thanks to the event, Isabel had a refresher. “Doon talaga na-refresh yung knowledge ko, about WHO’s recommendation of giving not more than seven teaspoons of table sugar a day to kids. It made a big impact on me, because minsan nakakalimutan narin talaga namin,” she said.

“I trust NIDO 3+ because aside from knowing its ingredients will help with my 3+ toddler’s development, I also know that no table sugar is added!” LJ added.

TodoExpert Tips for #TodoExplorers

Apart from being mindful and careful on kids’ sugar intake, NIDO® 3+ T.I.P.S. provided more “todo expert tips” to guide parents who seek to give the best support for their 3+ toddlers:

1. Know the ins and outs of toddlerhood

Toddlerhood is when kids begin to explore and start self-discovery. It is a very critical period in their growth and development.

From physical, cognitive and psychosocial development, it is during this time that the toddlers start walking and running, interacting with family and kids, exploring the environment, and learning during active play.

To ensure healthy growth and development, parents must support their +3 toddlers’ brain, body and behavioral development by providing them with proper nutrition.

2. Mind the nutritional gaps

Based on a collaboration between Nestle Research Center and the Philippines’ Food and Nutrition Research Institute, there is an inadequate intake of important vitamins and minerals in all age groups of Filipino children.

According to scientific studies and dietary surveys, this inadequacy is likely a result from the typical Filipino diet, which is heavy on carbohydrates and refined sugars, and not enough of vegetables, fruits and age-appropriate milk.

Experts constantly remind parents that they play a key role in shaping their +3 toddlers’ diet, and how growing up milk plays a valuable role in meeting their nutritional needs.

3. Choose a complete-nutrition, age-appropriate milk

As the #1 growing up milk, NIDO® 3+ developed the NUTRITODS™, a scientific program specially designed by experts to address the growing up needs of Filipino toddlers.

Thanks to the program, NIDO® 3+ is given a new and improved formula that ensures 3+ toddlers are getting the complete and age-appropriate nutrition they need.

“I trust that NIDO® 3+ is an age-appropriate milk for my growing-up toddler. Its formula—with nutrients like DHA, building block of the brain; Lactobacillus Protectus,® gives more protection; PREBIO3®, aids with digestive health; and Vitamins A, C, E as well as Zinc and Iron for a healthy immune system—was expertly-made for each stage of our toddlers’ development,” Samantha explained.

“NIDO® 3+ is really one of the brands that I truly believe in. Even when I was small, I was already drinking NIDO. Ngayon with Feather, NIDO® 3+ talaga ‘yong milk for her because it has the right amount of nutrients for her as a growing child,” said Isabel adding it has no added table sugar.

“It’s really THE brand that is tried and tested for me,” she continued.

“To my fellow parents looking for growing up milk I definitely recommend NIDO® 3+ not only is it good but it is also affordable!” LJ advised.


Learn more about how you can protect your kids as they journey through their healthy 3+ toddler years through this www.momandme.nestle.com.ph/nido3.

For latest news and updates, visit www.facebook.com/Nido3PH.

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