

What the future holds

Joy Jonette Chuyaco - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - For many, the ultimate question about life is: What will be the future like? Not just tomorrow, but the distant future. It has always been a mystery; nobody knows it and that’s what makes life exciting. However, there are creative thinkers who make up stories about what they think lies ahead. Some of them imagine a bright future, while others (actually, most of them) think of the future as horrifyingly dark.

Here are some of their “imaginations” caught on the big screen:

The Hunger Games. In the film’s setting, the future is a world of struggle. Life is hard and a person is either pro-government (the rich ones) or anti-government (the poor ones). To punish the less fortunate because of their rebellion, their youngsters are forced to play a game of death which has become an entertainment for the rich. Yes, life remains not fair, even in the future.

I am Legend. In the future, almost no human beings have survived from a plague. A man with a dog finds himself exploring what’s left behind. He tries to look for answers, for fellow survivors and maybe a cure for the plague. Will he ever find a solution and bring back life again? Or will he also be like the others?

The Purge. What an ideal scenario: Zero crime rate. What’s the secret? The Purge — one day a year for 12 hours, crime of any kind is legal. Sounds bearable. Just stay in the house and one is safe. But actually, after seeing the film, those 12 hours seem like a year of terror. Is this a good solution?

Wall-E. The animated film has a message not just for its young viewers but for viewers of all ages. It shows how the Earth and its inhabitants will be if humans continue to care less. It’s always nice to have such a movie that both entertains and raises awareness.

Planet of the Apes. This is one nightmare no one ever wishes to come true. Right in the distant future, apes have switched places with humans. Human beings are tied, caged, discriminated and have lost power. Like any other movies, there is an individual that will make a difference and encourage fighting back — long live, humans!

28 Days Later. Imagine waking up in abandoned places with no other humans in sight but only creepy creatures hiding in the shadows. The film tells the story of how the world will look like after it has been down by an incurable virus.

Artificial Intelligence. It is a touching movie about a robotic boy and his desire to be accepted as part of a family he loves. Yes, he has feelings and that is what’s special about him. It makes us wonder if it’s possible for robots to have feelings. Are we almost in that generation?

I, Robot. Another film about robots, this one is set in the distant future where robots have become regular companions/helpers for humans. Everything seems fine until a murder case occurs and the suspect is a robot. Does it even make sense to put a robot on trial? Maybe.

Blade Runner. Set in the future when technology is at its peak, the world is able to produce other beings that are used for out-of-the Earth missions. But when a few of these creatures escape and come to Earth, someone has to take charge to bring back peace and order.    

Back to the Future 2. Of course, the classic from the ’80s will never be forgotten. The sequel to the first film had given viewers a glimpse of how the creators imagined the future. It is actually interesting because Marty Mcfly has arrived in the future, in 2015. We are already days passed of it. Some things in the movie came true.

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