

How Rachel deals with intrigues

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Rachel Alejandro is happily going steady with new boyfriend Carlos Santamaria who writes for the Spanish news service, Efe. She is also in good terms with former boyfriend Dingdong Avanzado with whom she had a show at Metro Bar last Aug. 21. Rachel and Carlos were introduced by Barni, Rachel’s sister. Carlos used to live here but relocated to Bangkok in May. He also watched Rachel and Dingdong’s concert at the Metro Bar. Carlos joined Rachel when she, Barni, Geneva Cruz and manager Girlie Rodis visited Angkor Wat recently. Rachel is busy as a bee but maintains a happy balance between her love life and career. Starting Sept. 3 to 19, at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, Rachel takes on the biggest challenge of her career as she skates and sings to Olivia Newton-John’s hit songs in the Broadway musical comedy hit Xanadu. Rachel last appeared on stage in the dual roles of Kate Monster and Lucy The Slut in the hit musical Avenue Q.   Directed by Bobby Garcia, Xanadu is about following your dreams despite the limitations others set on you.  For tickets, call Atlantis Productions at 892-7078 or 840-1187.

1. What talent would you like to have that you don’t have?

I wish I was sporty and well-coordinated. I have never participated in any sports even as a child. I was the kid who almost failed P.E. class and wore thick, nerdy glasses at age 10 because I would read all day till it got dark in my room. If and when I have a child, I’d like him to play a cool sport like basketball, football or even tennis. 

2. If you have the power to solve all the problems in the country, what will you solve first?

I would like every Filipino to have free health care like in Canada, France, and the UK. It breaks my heart that I know people who died needlessly because they didn’t have the funds to pay for a treatment that could have extended their lives. 

3. Brains or beauty?

I would rather have average intelligence and be incredibly beautiful. Attractive people always have an easier time in life. It’s sad but let’s face it. Beautiful people get treated better, can join showbiz even without a shred of talent (haha!) and can basically get away with murder. 

4. How do you spoil yourself?

I travel business class on every flight longer than six hours. I travel a lot and like to be able to stretch out and sleep well on my flights. I’m also addicted to massages.

5. Will you spy on your partner?

No, what I don’t know can’t hurt me. I have not looked at the cellphone messages of my last two boyfriends. I’ve learned my lesson. I used to check my old boyfriend’s messages before and I always found something that would make my stomach turn. Nowadays, I think unless I’m 100 percent sure I want to break up with a guy, the less I know the better. 

6. The most challenging episode in your life so far? 

I am very much challenged by my role in Xanadu. There are many things to contend with, lots of new skills to learn and get used to. I will need complete focus to pull this off. I can’t wing this!

7. How do you deal with intrigues? 

Thankfully, I’ve had very little intrigue to deal with in my career in general. When I was 21, I would get upset. Nowadays, I never even give them a second thought. For someone in showbiz, I honestly don’t care that much about what other people say or think about me. Everyone is entitled to his opinion.

8. The best thing said about you? The worst?

The best? My reviews for my role as Kate Monster/Lucy The Slut in Avenue Q especially the praises I got from director, Bobby Garcia when he wrote an article about the women in that show. The worst? That I somehow reminded someone of Celine Dion. I’m not a fan of Celine’s.

9. Who makes you laugh?

My cousin, Niño. We always have a great time. He’s hilarious. 

10. What is your favorite expression? 

Do the Roar from Shrek IV

11. If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Why?

I would love to be the Vampire Lestat or Edward Cullen. They are the two best vampire characters in fiction in my opinion. I’m obsessed with Vampire Stories. The idea of immortality, never getting sick or old has always been extremely appealing to me.

12. If you were to be born again with a Siamese twin, who would be your twin? Why?

I would love to be the twin of Angelina Jolie. I’m completely in love with her. She is a bad-ass goddess!

13. What name would you have given yourself?   

I like the name Ariana. Rachel is super common.

14. How will you describe your first kiss?

Thrilling except the guy I kissed turned out to be gay and in love with my best friend, who is a boy.

15. What is your greatest fear?

Driving. I’ve tried taking lessons but I’m just too afraid. I feel like I might kill someone cause I’m blind, can’t multi-task and have poor reflexes.

16. Electric chair or life imprisonment?

Life imprisonment, of course.

17. The most expensive item you bought for yourself?

My Rolex watch that replaced the one my mom gave me and I lost.

18. The best place on Earth?

Amanpulo. If you’ve never been there, you have to go. It’s unreal. By far, the most perfectly beautiful beach in the world.

19. Given the opportunity to come face to face with God, what question would you ask Him?

I would ask Him why good people like my stepmom (Rio Diaz) had to suffer so much, why a vibrant, generous person could be struck down with cancer at such a young age. I still miss her and sometimes think how my life would be so different if she were still around.

20. If you go to hell who would you want to be with you?

It might be more bearable down there with funny people. So ya, maybe Will Ferrell or something.

21. If you have wings, where would you go? 

I would fly everywhere, all over the world. I’d love to see the pyramids of Egypt.

22. Where are you now? Heaven, hell, limbo?

Heaven! This is the happiest I’ve ever been.

23. What is your fetish?

Shaved head and salt and pepper hair on a man. My boyfriend has both and I’m always touching his head. It’s very relaxing.

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