

Why veejaying is the coolest job on earth

Paz Sicat - The Philippine Star

Seeing them do their talk on TV makes us say it’s a cool world after all. They are celebrities in their own right and their job is one of the most sought-after among the young and hip professionals.

Yes, veejaying has provided cool people a venue to express themselves right before the very eyes of people conscious about pop culture. It’s a duty that has become the envy of people who can’t do the job and those who can do it but can’t get it. Kids usually don’t dream to become VJs, but once in there it seems they’re having the time of their lives. If only they could freeze time they would rather spend the rest of their youth doing it.

Well, it’s as simple as saying it is the coolest job around, especially for the youth or those still in their party period. We often see them in trendy clothes, talking in smart English or witty Tagalog. Once off camera, we can still see their stylish selves, that chic or suave dude appearing on the boob tube, introducing music videos, chatting with rock stars, or just playing around making sense out of non-sense.

Here are some reasons why veejaying is pretty much the coolest work to have: 

Veejays are on to Internet craze.

A VJ who is not into Internet is simply not a modern VJ and therefore is not cool. VJs nowadays have admitted making great use of Internet to do researching about music, fashion and entertainment news. It’s a good thing that broadband is more affordable now. In the not-so-distant past, people needed to spend hundreds per week from their monthly allowance. Now a broadband package can be as low as P10 per day or P300 per month for unlimited broadband.

Gadget comes in the name of the game.

Most VJs have gadgets among their staff. These tools make their work easier and appear extra cool. MYX VJ Drei Felix has three cellphones, one digicam, one PSP, among others. He is even co-hosting a radio program called Techno Boys which is another way of saying he is really into such. The cost of hardware and gadgets nowadays has become real cheap you will spend less buying a laptop than a mobile phone. With just P12,000, you can get a laptop off special sale like that of the MyDSL Broadband Blowout Event Sale which is touring malls and making laptop and PC-buying a lot more exciting.

Veejaying is instant route to stardom.

Once you start hosting in a music channel, there’s no way you can stop becoming a celebrity — a cool one at that. VJ Mica Froilan, who got her way into MYX hosting via a tough VJ-search auditions, felt the earth-shaking sudden transition from being an unknown corporate figure into a showbiz personality. “I was in total anonymity before the audition and after that, I was doing one of the coolest jobs on earth!”

It deals with music, short films and popular personalities.

Music is the universal language and a medium from which young people cling on together. To talk about music in front of the camera and be the mediator between the viewers and artists is simply an amazing privilege. Another MYX VJ Igi Guerrero said, “There’s so much fun in meeting celebrities and talking about their art and thoughts.”

It’s playing with pay.

There was one VJ in the past who said that veejaying is just like playing and loving it that you would do it for free. The catch is, you’re paid for just being cool in front of the camera.

It’s about dressing up.

Most VJs would prefer being comfortable and simple. But since it concerns TV exposure, they need to dress up well and come out really cool. Though it seems a requirement that a VJ has the looks, they need to appear extra pretty when the camera is on. That is purely being cool. 

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