

One more wish for Marvin Agustin

"When it rains, it pours." Sometimes, it doubly pours.

This must be the feeling of Marvin Agustin when he received the good news that his non-showbiz girlfriend has given birth to twins (two boys) named Santiago and Sebastian, Spanish names which perfectly complement Marvin’s real surname, Cuyugan. For sure, Marvin is jumping, shouting and crying for joy wherever he may be in the States. This twin blessing calls for a twin celebration.

Marvin left for California last Thursday night for a "needed break" after nine years of working hard as an actor and entrepreneur. Marvin runs Ricecapades, Oyster Boy and Mister Donut and Red Crab franchises. A Japanese-American resto is in the offing. Before he left for the US, Marvin co-hosted the defunct M.R.S. and Star Dance.

A few hours before he left for the States, Marvin was a picture of a happy, fulfilled man. His sunshiny disposition was in sharp contrast to the gloomy, rainy weather outside. Whenever asked about his twins and his new role as a father, Marvin couldn’t help but blush.

"I can say I’m ready with basic preparations," begins Marvin. "You know I took care of my nephews. Newborn palang sila kasama na nila ako. I bathed them and prepared their milk. There are jitters but in a pleasant, beautiful way.

"I’m nervous thinking about what will happen if I give everything to my children and something goes wrong along the way. I’m also afraid of things my children will learn from me and the way I will bring them up," says Marvin.

Although it’s too early for him to fret on parenting matters, Marvin will surely be a good father for he has been a good provider to his family.

"My friends told me what I’m feeling is the fear of the unknown," says Marvin. "I don’t know what could happen and what I could do.

"I’ll try to be the best father. That’s why I work hard. I’ll have my own family and the responsibilities are there. With the help of God and prayers, I’ll get by."

Marvin doesn’t want to give details on the mother of his twins. All he could say is, the woman in his life is a private person and older than he is. She is a teacher and owns a pre-school. Like Marvin, she is fond of kids. When she told Marvin that she’s on the family way, the actor was stunned and happy someone other than himself will take care of his kids.

Marvin is being co-managed by Genesis, the talent management company who handles the careers of Gary Valenciano and his sons Gabriel and Paolo, Kuh Ledesma, G Tongi, Donita Rose, Dayanara Torres and Candy Pangilinan. Marvin joined Genesis last July.

This career move, says Marvin, started when he worked with Gina Valenciano-Martinez, one of the bosses of Genesis, in Star Dance, where they bonded and talked of a lot of things, including his career.

"Walang hatian
(between Talent Center and Genesis)," says Marvin. "It’s going to be a collaboration. When there’s a booking, they will talk about it and consult each other. I never believe in transferring. I believe in expansion. I’m grateful for the way ABS has taken cared of my life and career, and for everything they have done for me."

Since Genesis is into live entertainment, expect Marvin to do live and corporate performances and shows abroad and in the US.

When he returns to Manila after a month, Marvin will resume his interrupted career.

"ABS is cooking up something for me," shares Marvin. "They told me I’ll be back in something I’m very good at, which is drama. They will surprise me, they said.

"‘We don’t want you to think. We just want you to rest. You asked for this break, go ahead. While you’re away, we’ll take care of your career here,’ they (ABS) added," Marvin relates.

That’s how good Marvin’s relationship with ABS-CBN and Genesis is. However, the relationship was questioned recently when ABS asked Marvin to leave the set of Extra Challenge. Marvin believes there was miscommunication between the show and his mother studio.

Marvin relates that the booking was made through Star Magic. He arrived on the set at 8 a.m. and told he was going to be with his pal Dominic. When they started to shoot the intro scenes, it was only then that Marvin found out Dominic was paired with his former girlfriend, Janna Victoria. Marvin, on the other hand, was teamed up with former loveteam mate, Jolina Magdangal. Talent Center didn’t know about this.

"We taped from 8 a.m. until about 3 p.m. It was perfect," recalls Marvin. "We did a lot of challenges. Jolina and I would take the lead in most of the challenges. ABS was bothered na sana nasabi naman sa kanila na it’s going to be Jolina. They just wanted to be informed and they felt bad. I had so much fun doing the challenges. When my road manager told me we had to leave, I thought it was part of the challenge that I was being pulled out. I told them, ‘Sabihin ninyo na kung challenge ito, kasi hindi ako tinatablan.’ Then Paolo (Bediones, Extra Challenge host) approached me and said ABS wanted me to leave the set."

Marvin, who has a high regard for his bosses, followed suit. He added that as much as he wanted to stay, he couldn’t because the deal was coursed through Talent Center. He was not in the position to disobey ABS. Marvin clarified that the "pull out" had nothing to do with the network war. Marvin apologized for the delay he had caused the show.

With the accomplishments he has as TV and film personality and businessman, Marvin still wishes for one thing: "I hope I could be a loving dad. I believe everything will follow if one has genuine love."

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