

The earthiness of Dante Balboa

- Joaquin Lorenzo III -
Bold actors come and go. Not only have bold roles become an effective springboard for fledging newcomers, but their inherent flashy quality does wonders for those which the real stuff to show.

Take for instance Dante Balboa, the newest male discovery of Seiko Films, the country’s premier bold production outfit. Before he took his plunge in show business, Balboa knew in his heart that he had to prepare his body to look good and delectable on the big screen.

"Let’s face it, people do not watch a bold film because they want to see if the actors can act or if the story is nice. These are only secondary. It’s still the visuals people look for," he says in a straight-forward manner. That’s why, he went to the gym religiously for months to tone his muscles and lessen his flaws.

"With men, the hardest part to sustain is the abdominal area and the legs. I’m glad I have good, strong legs." He adds that his favorite part is his butt. "I like it because it’s firm and full," he says standing up like a little boy flashing a toy, touching his behind, but turning red instantaneously when he realizes a lot of people in the café were looking at his demo act.

Balboa’s sculpted physique can at times resemble the weathered forms of a windswept terrain. His towering stance is not at all intimidating. In fact, it gives you a sense of protective, secure bliss when he stands beside you. There is an earthbound stillness that manifests on its own, without the need for too much prodding. "I guess I’m like that when I start to warm up to a person. I can be warm and friendly without coming on too strong," he explains.

Scrutinizing Balboa in person is in itself a juxtaposition – the roughness of his bearing blends perfectly with the smoothness of his contours. And when the guy starts to talk about things personal, it reveals the tender side of a body that has undergone so much transitions in and out of the work-out arena.

Balboa seems different from many who have preceded him and who have trekked the bold avenue because he doesn’t share their usual sob stories. Nothing like "Nag-artista ako kasi mahirap lang kami at gusto kong tulungan ang pamilya ko." Balboa says he simply wants to become an actor. "Nagkataon lang na when my manager (Ihman Esturco) introduced me to Robbie Tan, I got so comfortable immediately and his offer was okay so I said yes right away."

A graduate of Architecture, Balboa says he’s only a few units away from finishing his post-graduate studies in film at the University of the Philippines. "I like the idea of creating something from nothing. With architecture, you build something from scratch. In film, you capture something on the negatives and tell a story on the screen. Both are exciting and I think being an actor will certainly help me look at things in a larger scope."

Before facing the cameras, Balboa was already steeped in ramp modelling, another arena where most of our more beautiful actors started. His deep-set Asian look, broad shoulders and long limbs have allowed him to model for the country’s noted fashion stalwarts and have landed him on the cover of several magazines.

So how does Balboa feel baring his all for Kasiping? "It’s not really a big issue for me. I didn’t have sleepless nights thinking of whether I should go bold or not. I knew I was ready – physically, emotionally and mentally. I’m very happy to be in this movie. Let’s put it this way – maybe someone will see me in the movie and will like how I look or how I carry myself. And it could be the start of something completely new for me."

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